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Mod for Disguising and Being Invisible


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Hello. I have seen that invisibility potions suck. They don't work anytime, I dunno why. My enemies can see me when I have invisibility effect. I want a mod to fix the effect.


In addition to this, I want a disguising effect. If you have stolen a Whiterun Guard's set and put on them, others wouldn't be able to notice your real identification. But in Skyrim they can. Do you have any mod suggestions about it?


Thank you very much.

Edited by CompanyOfGamers
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That's an interesting idea actually... A poison that makes the target blind and deaf. The game does have a "blindness" perk for falmer, but I'm not too sure about deafness. Someone more experienced than me care to elaborate?

not sure about enemys but why dont use a muffeled potion/enchantment?

You could ofc use the fingersmith perkto get a blindness/deafness poison in the target pocket but you need to be muffeled in the first place for that... and shooting someone with a poisoned arrow? just kill them if you ar at it. You would need a "poisoned darts" mod to begin with i guess... cool idea but quite some work to do

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"poisoned darts"? yea, there's one... even got it on my hard drive, from what I recall... Of course it'd be easier to kill them right away, but where's the FUN in that? :D

there you go... just create a deafness perk (the blindness is allready in the game) and you are done.

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