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Nutshot Mod?


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Okay, as an example, in vanilla Fallout, you take the Rock-It Launcher, aim it at some guy, it shoots too low, and beans him in the walnuts. Nothing happens except he takes damage and maybe a leg gets crippled in the process.


Now, imagine you have a Nutshot Mod enabled, and you take the Rock-It Launcher, aim it at some guy, it shoots too low AGAIN, and beans him in the walnuts like before. Except this time, he grabs his crotch, keels over, and moans in pain for a good 5 to 10 seconds. Would give you a tad bit of an advantage in combat, but in my opinion, it would also be pretty funny. (Only because the guy would be trying to kill you, though.) It would also add a bit to the realism, too. I mean, what person could get hit in the walnuts with a two-pound TOASTER at high velocity and not keel over in pain? (And if you say chuck norris, I will hunt you down and beat you to death myself. I'm REALLY tired of all the chuck norris jokes i've been hearing.)


Anyways, Nutshot mod, anyone willing to do it? I would do it myself, but I don't know left from right as far as creating mods go. (It would also have to be scripted for human males only, unless you want Ghouls (which have no visible reproductive organs, if you count the wild ones), and women to keel over in pain.


Women having male reproductive organs would be understandable to some extent, unless ALL the women had it, which in that case would just be absurd, considering the factor that quite possibly only a specific niche in the genepool of women would become hermaphroditic/gender changed because of radiation exposure.


Anyways, just throwing the idea out there, incase anyone with a good sense of humor feels the need to give us Fallout players a reason to "Ode to Nutshot" a couple hundred raiders or so.

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That would mean adding a new bit of bodypart data to all human males, which would be a massive pan in the arse. It would also require all armour/body meshes to have some mesh assigned to this bodypart IIRC. Also, Chuck norris wouldn't even be hit by the toaster, he'd just stare at it and ballistics would make it fall to the floor out of fear.
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That would mean adding a new bit of bodypart data to all human males, which would be a massive pan in the arse. It would also require all armour/body meshes to have some mesh assigned to this bodypart IIRC. Also, Chuck norris wouldn't even be hit by the toaster, he'd just stare at it and ballistics would make it fall to the floor out of fear.


I don't know why people have to whine about "how difficult the mod would be to make" and "having to add this, and this, and this"... I'm asking if anyone wants to make it, not asking what they would have to add. Unless you've got any useful comments, please, don't post in this thread.


P.S: I'm not trying to sound rude, but seriously. If I wanted to know what they had to add, I would ask. A simple "Yes" or "No" would suffice for my question.


P.P.S: I also said no chuck norris jokes. If it continues, i'm going to have the thread deleted.

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WELL CHUCK NORRIS.... got his ass kicked by bruce lee.




anyway, bethesda made a mistake when they didnt add a groin slot to their npc's.... dang it was fun to hit frankie in the nuts....





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WELL CHUCK NORRIS.... got his ass kicked by bruce lee.


I said no chuck norris jokes. I asked nicely, and if you're not going to listen, i'm just going to have the thread deleted.

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Your continued threats only encourage Nock Churris to keep appearing in your thread. It's very easy to keep Nock Churris out though. Just don't mention Nock Churris. That way Nock Churris won't know to invade your Nock Churris thread about Nock Churris If you hadn't mentioned, nay, DARED Mister Nock Churris he wouldn't be here. If you must mention Nock Churris you must do it on the sly. Like, spell his name backward, or swap letters around and make him Chuck Norris.


...Aw crap!

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Your continued threats only encourage Nock Churris to keep appearing in your thread. It's very easy to keep Nock Churris out though. Just don't mention Nock Churris. That way Nock Churris won't know to invade your Nock Churris thread about Nock Churris If you hadn't mentioned, nay, DARED Mister Nock Churris he wouldn't be here. If you must mention Nock Churris you must do it on the sly. Like, spell his name backward, or swap letters around and make him Chuck Norris.


...Aw crap!


I've asked twice, i'm not going ask a third time. Admins, if you could so kindly lock this thread until people can wisen up and stop acting like a pack of immature baboons...

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Staring at Chuck Norris for extended periods of time without proper eye protection will cause blindess, and possibly foot sized brusies on the face.


I would also like to request that any of the posts within this thread that have chuck norris jokes in them be DELETED. -_- Because people are apparently just too thick in the head to take a hint without it being shoved through their eyesockets.


P.S: People, chuck norris jokes in a FO3Nexus thread meant SPECIFICALLY for modification discussion is WAY off-topic. If you want to make chuck norris jokes, GO TO THE OFF-TOPIC FORUM.

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