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Nutshot Mod?


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I got sidetraked with all those jokes and had to go back and reread the main post o.O but if my friend is still modding F3 ill ask him if he can make one for you! Ill get back to this trhead with the awnser when i get a hold of him.


Yeah, the thick-headed tend to be a bit distracting. And thanks. You might have to PM me on his response, since i've asked the admins to lock and clean up the thread. Hopefully after they're done removing all the off-topic posts, they'll unlock it. (Hint, Hint)

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WELL CHUCK NORRIS.... got his ass kicked by bruce lee.


I said no chuck norris jokes. I asked nicely, and if you're not going to listen, i'm just going to have the thread deleted.

i meant it to be a dump on any chuck norris jokers. anyway, an idea i have is a chance to hit yer crotch when it hits your leg and torso... if its possilb, maybe nutshot could be possble that way, if you hit both the leg slot and torso slot at the same time.



Creative little b-tard, aint i?

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How about a mod where all the ghouls in the game look like Chuck Norris?


I said quit it with the chuck norris jokes. Mods, lock the thread please.

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I don't know why people have to whine about "how difficult the mod would be to make" and "having to add this, and this, and this"... I'm asking if anyone wants to make it, not asking what they would have to add. Unless you've got any useful comments, please, don't post in this thread.


P.S: I'm not trying to sound rude, but seriously. If I wanted to know what they had to add, I would ask. A simple "Yes" or "No" would suffice for my question.


P.P.S: I also said no chuck norris jokes. If it continues, i'm going to have the thread deleted.

Oh the hilarity! That response basically says "I care not for others! Cater to my unreasonable and technically difficult demands!" Seriously. I wasn't trying to rain on your parade or run over your pet dog, I was just saying whoever took this up would incur a lot of work upon themselves and that would be very unlikely for the reward of being able to cripple the reproductive capabilities of some mercs and raiders. Super-Mutants don't even HAVE balls, it's one of the first things FEV does, strip you of gender. Also, the best way to avoid a type of joke which is annoying you is to not mention it. People are arseholes (me included) who love to antagonize each other, especially if someone is stupid enough to highlight it in plain text in the initial post of a thread. It's like leaving your car overnight in a bad neigbourhood with a sign saying "please don't wreck my car you twats".


Yeah, the thick-headed tend to be a bit distracting.

Furthermore that is just childish, either grow a sense of humour or Get off the internet. A wise wise man on an old forum once said:

"The internet is a lawless place with knowledge and sarcastic wit the pistols of this wild frontier.

Don't go out without being sufficiently armed."

Either lock and load or find some cover. Good cover, chuck Norris can roundhouse kick you in the soul through a brick wall.

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Straight away in the OP he says he's 'getting tired of all the Chuck Norris jokes' he's hearing. I was wondering what he's talking about, then I realized that he must hear lots of Chuck Norris jokes all the time because everywhere he goes he says 'Oh and by the way, no Chuck Norris jokes'. :woot:
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Okay, as an example, in vanilla Fallout, you take the Rock-It Launcher, aim it at some guy, it shoots too low, and beans him in the walnuts. Nothing happens except he takes damage and maybe a leg gets crippled in the process.


Now, imagine you have a Nutshot Mod enabled, and you take the Rock-It Launcher, aim it at some guy, it shoots too low AGAIN, and beans him in the walnuts like before. Except this time, he grabs his crotch, keels over, and moans in pain for a good 5 to 10 seconds. Would give you a tad bit of an advantage in combat, but in my opinion, it would also be pretty funny. (Only because the guy would be trying to kill you, though.) It would also add a bit to the realism, too. I mean, what person could get hit in the walnuts with a two-pound TOASTER at high velocity and not keel over in pain? (And if you say chuck norris, I will hunt you down and beat you to death myself. I'm REALLY tired of all the chuck norris jokes i've been hearing.)


Anyways, Nutshot mod, anyone willing to do it? I would do it myself, but I don't know left from right as far as creating mods go. (It would also have to be scripted for human males only, unless you want Ghouls (which have no visible reproductive organs, if you count the wild ones), and women to keel over in pain.


Women having male reproductive organs would be understandable to some extent, unless ALL the women had it, which in that case would just be absurd, considering the factor that quite possibly only a specific niche in the genepool of women would become hermaphroditic/gender changed because of radiation exposure.


Anyways, just throwing the idea out there, incase anyone with a good sense of humor feels the need to give us Fallout players a reason to "Ode to Nutshot" a couple hundred raiders or so.

Doesn't radiation make you sterile? Might that maybe take away from the pain some?

Also, it hurts like hell there even if you're female. Entirely off subject, if you see an annoying feminist talking about how her body is better than any mans and get the urge to kick her there for a good laugh, DON'T.

Incidentally, if this mod ever pulls through, I would like to patent my idea for a "Balls of steel" perk. :p


Seriously though, this probably won't happen. Too much work for such a small thing.

And, as a piece of advice, don't go around the internet saying "Don't post such and such" unless you want to get trolled. :thumbsup:

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