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Terrible FPS/Crashing whenever I go into the Vault 101 atrium :(


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My main menu is very laggy, mouse skipping around, etc...but after that the game runs very smooth...until I open the door to the atrium. All of the sudden the game in unplayable. Already changed the graphics many times...please help me.



I'm really not a computer guy but I'll list the specs of it below. This is a Windows 8 laptop but I'm running it in Windows 7 mode.

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With a duplex CPU/GPU and the CPU falling just shy of the system requirements, lagging should be expected.


If you are running any DLC or mods, you should disable any that are not needed for the beginning.


Just before leaving the vault, make a save, then re-enable your DLCs and mods.


The vanilla game was made before any DLCs or mods and they may be causing problems.


Also, see this: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1465357-installing-fallout-3-with-windows-78-and-xp/

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I need a little more information:

  1. Where is the game installed @
  2. Other Than graphics?......what things / programs have you tried?
  3. Do you have the GOTY Retail or Steam version of the game?
  4. IS the DLC's installed? From where and Do they activate?

HP is horrible with Flout 3, A laptop? I need Model #___________________*__________from the tag on the bottom so I can research your Equipment.

In my profile, please get Familiar with the tech links, I will be directing you to use some of them to reset your rig if I am provided the right data for my research of your laptop. This is all I can offer you, I do realize your using a limited unit, windows 8 and that machine are 2 strikes against Bethesda idea of a gaming machine.


I believe in programing things to go way beyond limit's....so Just encase you do not know what in store for you, back up your data, make sure your Warranty is up to date, strap on the Goggles cuz your in fora flight test.

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