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OOO Houses more expensive

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I just found out that OOO has a feature that changes the prices for houses, but I would like them to be the vanilla prices. Is there a way to disable this feature? thanks for any help.
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OOO changes the prices for a heckuva lotta things. Spells, soul gems, certain potions (whilst some others are cheaper or the same price but stronger), most training, ... I really couldn't list them all because this post would be days long. Reasoning behind it is that as you move around through the OOO world, you'll encounter around 4x as many enemies as you usually would and therefore get more loot & earn more dosh, especially at lower levels.


Remember the sudden realisation in the vanilla game at level 15 that you were a mult-millionaire and had nothing left to spend the cash on? Well, in OOO that would happen at about level 5 if things weren't so much more expensive.


Anyways. Enough of the mumbling. There are mods that reset/higher/lower the house prices in the game, if you grab one of those and load it after OOO that'll overwrite these particular changes for you.


Happy Hunting.


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