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Ghost Effect Script


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The problem is not caused by switching from first to third person, but rather with using the script as provided. Using ScriptEffectStart and ScriptEffectFinish doesn't work very well with wearable items. Use this instead:

scn GhostEffectObjectScript
Begin OnEquip Player ;this will run when the player equips the object  
  saa 0.01  
  pms ghosteffect  
Begin OnUnEquip Player ;this will run when the Player unequips the object
    StopMagicShaderVisuals ghosteffect  
  saa 1.0  

Also, this script needs to be set as an Object type script and needs to be applied to the base object, rather than an enchantment.

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  • 2 years later...

I tried this script...


scn GhostEffectScript2

begin ScriptEffectStart
saa 0.01
pms ghosteffect

begin ScriptEffectUpdate


begin ScriptEffectFinish
StopMagicShaderVisuals ghosteffect



... didn't work, then this script, which made more sense to what I was making...


scn GhostEffectObjectScript

Begin OnEquip Player ;this will run when the player equips the object
pms ghosteffect


Begin OnUnEquip Player ;this will run when the Player unequips the object
StopMagicShaderVisuals ghosteffect


... and it didn't work either.


I've search all over the forums and the net and can't find any answer to how to get this to work.


My goal is to make a ring that turns the character into ghost form. Once that is accomplished, make other rings that do different effects by just changing the effect in the script. I even tried making an enchantment with the script effect. I know about setting the script to Object for objects and Magic Effect for spell/enchantments.


I'm running the lastest version of Construction Set, but not the Construction Set Extender, as I've got Oblivion installed in the default directory and am not about to reinstall just to use it. I've got 17gigs worth of mods installed. It's bad enough I have to do the "plug in a mic" trick in order to create new topics for npc dialog :(


I really would appreciate the help, my mod has taken a nose dive since I hit these obstacles.

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