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OMFG - Discussion and Requests


13 members have voted

  1. 1. Which weapon should be added next to OMFG?

    • XM8-C (SMG/Rifle hybrid)
    • G3KA4 (Marksman's rifle)
    • AMT Automag (High caliber pistol)
    • AW-50F (Bolt-action sniper rifle)
    • AEK-918 (Submachine gun)

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Well there's been a recent-ish update which fully incorporates the M9 and M93 Raffica, and the Raffica uses Kerededyh's burst fire weapon script, so thanks to him for that.


Thanks Pob225 for the suggestions, the sliver gun is a great idea as is the Arc gun. Those are some things that may work good with some custom models.


However, at the moment I'm getting some various ideas. The first of all is an alt-fire weapon system, added to all the vanilla weapons. These will be added via FOSE, and will more-or-less apply to all guns apart from small guns ballistic weapons (IE. ARs, pistols, SMGs, snipers etc.) and I need an alt-fire idea suited to every weapon in the game. Alt fires for weapons so far:


Combat Shotgun: An improvised frag grenade which has a medium radius with high damage. However the slug weighs a lot, and therefore heavy aim compensation will be required.

Experimental MIRV: Timed tactical nuke. Fires a mini nuclear bomb on a ten-second timer which deals massive damage and radiation over a large area. Can be used tactically to block off areas to enemies.

Laser Rifle: A laser 'mortar'. A small blob of energy is fired from the weapon, requires the combined power of ten MF cells. Has a large radius and large damage.

Plasma Rifle: Plasma shotgun. Very short range yet lethal damage, very large spread. Uses combined power of three MF cells.

Minigun: Dual shot. Will fire at a lower rate, have higher spread, however it will fire two projectiles at once.

Tesla Cannon (BS): Tesla mortar. Long range, very powerful explosion.

Metal Blaster (Pitt): Laser blast. High-wattage laser beam, moderate area of effect. High, precise damage.



My next idea is a railgun constructed from scraps and an old rifle. I'm open to suggestion as to what this rifle should be.



Thanks for your time, everyone.


As my last few posts have been, here is another wall of text. I really should stop because I get the feeling I'm killing your thread. Last one I promise.



Combat Shotgun: An improvised frag grenade which has a medium radius with high damage. However the slug weighs a lot, and therefore heavy aim compensation will be required.


Could go for this, or any one of the following rounds:

-Solid slug: Heavy-hitting single round with moderate spread, some drop and a medium range, good for hitting heavily armoured targets close-up or things out of the range of buckshot

-Dragon's Breath: Convert your Shotgun into a single-shot flamer. The shells are filled with a chemical mixture which ejects a spout of flaming shrapnel and particles instead of buckshot (used IRL, banned by law in USA).

-Fletchette roud: Shorter ranged armour piercing darts instead of buckshot pellets.


Experimental MIRV: Timed tactical nuke. Fires a mini nuclear bomb on a ten-second timer which deals massive damage and radiation over a large area. Can be used tactically to block off areas to enemies.


Seemns nice from my angle.


Laser Rifle: A laser 'mortar'. A small blob of energy is fired from the weapon, requires the combined power of ten MF cells. Has a large radius and large damage.


An overcharge blast? Sounds pretty sweet.


Plasma Rifle: Plasma shotgun. Very short range yet lethal damage, very large spread. Uses combined power of three MF cells.


Maybe a burst-fire that takes 6 MF cells to fire 3 shots plus a cooldown after?


Minigun: Dual shot. Will fire at a lower rate, have higher spread, however it will fire two projectiles at once.


Hmm... So what do I gain here? Bullets in the air in exchange for spread? :S Maybe allow variable ROF with 2 or 3 settings like real life support weapons, wth a lower fire rate giving greater accuracy?


Tesla Cannon (BS): Tesla mortar. Long range, very powerful explosion.


Will this mean addig gravity? because I can't see how a ball of lightnig has any significant mass.


Metal Blaster (Pitt): Laser blast. High-wattage laser beam, moderate area of effect. High, precise damage.


Yeah, sounds useful.

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Will this mean addig gravity? because I can't see how a ball of lightnig has any significant mass.


Meh... Plasma balls aren't realistic either, but it doesn't ruin the game :biggrin:


Hmm... So what do I gain here? Bullets in the air in exchange for spread? :S Maybe allow variable ROF with 2 or 3 settings like real life support weapons, wth a lower fire rate giving greater accuracy?


Doesn't appeal to me personally. How about an explosive shot? Lower fire rate, two rounds required for each shot, much lower spread.


-Solid slug: Heavy-hitting single round with moderate spread, some drop and a medium range, good for hitting heavily armoured targets close-up or things out of the range of buckshot


Solid slug sounds cool, Dragon's breath sounds a little overkill but maybe for the Terrible Shotgun? Awesome idea. It'll be in when I get around to this.


As my last few posts have been, here is another wall of text. I really should stop because I get the feeling I'm killing your thread. Last one I promise.


No problem, in fact keep doing it. Keeps the thread alive and gives me fresh ideas :thumbsup:

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Fair enough. I did actually have an idea for a pretty cool weapon (another big gun) based on an RL weapon that never really caught on. It was used in Vietnam and called the XM202 'flash' but basically it was a quad-shot rocket launcher, like 4 LAWs stuck on some sort of frame with handholds and a trigger attached. In the vein of the different fire modes it could fire normal Rockets (HE, AP) but also napalm rounds, supposed to be a bunker-buster. Figured that would be a pretty neat switch.
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Notes on dragons breath, as Lt Albrecht said it's a real round, uses white phosphorus and zirconium (some do use zirconium only)

It cannot be used in semi or fully automatic shotguns, the recoil is too low for a recoil based system to work and the flamable gasses to dangerious for a gas based system.

It would be an ideal round for the double barreled sawnoff shotgun :wink: also has a known issue that it tends to cause a lot of damage to the barrel of a shotgun, so a big weapon duability penalty.



Laser Rifle: A laser 'mortar'. A small blob of energy is fired from the weapon, requires the combined power of ten MF cells. Has a large radius and large damage.

Nope I really don't like that, one of the things Bethesda did that I like is not have bloby laser weapons but beams, which is how both light and a laser weapon would work.

You cannot shoot a blob of light beecause you cannot make a blob of light, you can make a blob of something that gives off light.


The plasma gun would be a better candidate for a mortar type weapon, yes the plasma gun shooting blobs you can get away with as it's throwing out blobs of ionized matter in the form of a plasma.

So an overcharge that lobs out a larger denser blob but at a reduced velocity does work.


For the laser I'd consider a longer sustained beam or a plused shot (ie a 3 round burst)


Minigun: Dual shot. Will fire at a lower rate, have higher spread, however it will fire two projectiles at once.


Hmm... So what do I gain here? Bullets in the air in exchange for spread? :S Maybe allow variable ROF with 2 or 3 settings like real life support weapons, wth a lower fire rate giving greater accuracy?

I think I know exactly what Lt Albrecht means here.

Reduceing the fire rate but doubleing the shots fired means a rough +50% say increase in effective fire rate, at the cost of greater spread.

Surely just haveing two different rates of fire would be eaiser, a slower ROF which would produce less recoil so less spread and a higher ROF which would generate more recoil thus greater spread.


P.S. where is this 3round burst script you mention, I need one to make a real G11

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The script is not by Pelinor. It is by Kerededyh, and can be found HERE.


Nope I really don't like that, one of the things Bethesda did that I like is not have bloby laser weapons but beams, which is how both light and a laser weapon would work.

You cannot shoot a blob of light beecause you cannot make a blob of light, you can make a blob of something that gives off light.


The plasma gun would be a better candidate for a mortar type weapon, yes the plasma gun shooting blobs you can get away with as it's throwing out blobs of ionized matter in the form of a plasma.

So an overcharge that lobs out a larger denser blob but at a reduced velocity does work.


For the laser I'd consider a longer sustained beam or a plused shot (ie a 3 round burst)


I'd like to make something clear before I go on. I really do not have realism as a factor in any of my mods. If the entire game was designed with realism in mind there would be no Super-Mutants, no Ghouls, no Centaurs, no miniature nuclear weapons, no miniguns, no Liberty Prime, no Alien Blaster, I could go on for ages. Gameplay must always come first before realism otherwise the game will suck, there's no way around it.


Also I'm sorry if I came across as an ass in that little outburst :smile: I'm definitely keeping the Laser Mortar, I'm afraid, because I rather like the idea. Also we haven't really got any explosive laser weaponry :thumbsup:



But what I really need is ideas for all the other weapons in the game. Someone suggested for the missile launcher a mode which lobs out 6 frag grenades on a timer. I dunno about that one.

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Hmm... So where the heck did the name "pelinor" come from? Must have been something else 0.o.


Missile launcher secondary? How about a shaped charge to pwn Power Armour? Greatly reduced explosion radius, increased damage and missile speed. They were in FO2... Or a mine launcher, the missile flies out and explodes when someone steps on it (really small proximity radius and instant detonation)? Or a pulse/plasma warhead? Or you could make an airburst, set the missile on a timer with a proximity setting, if it goes close enough to an enemy it explodes, if not it blows after a few seconds, don't know whether or not proximity arms until the projexctile lands, would be lame if it did and that's how it worked in some older games. Probably not in FO though as IIRC mines retain some physics after placement.


I'd like to make something clear before I go on. I really do not have realism as a factor in any of my mods. If the entire game was designed with realism in mind there would be no Super-Mutants, no Ghouls, no Centaurs, no miniature nuclear weapons, no miniguns, no Liberty Prime, no Alien Blaster, I could go on for ages. Gameplay must always come first before realism otherwise the game will suck, there's no way around it.


Also I'm sorry if I came across as an ass in that little outburst I'm definitely keeping the Laser Mortar, I'm afraid, because I rather like the idea. Also we haven't really got any explosive laser weaponry


Fallout works on 'Science!' not science, if it can be explained by miniature nuclear tech or a 1950's view of the future predicted it it's open.


I suppose you could always have the laser rifle eject the current MF cell, which detonates at the other end in a big ball of laser-ness... Could even use the same code as EVE's Shredder grenade so it sends out a hail of beams. Or you could let the weapon overcharge, then release a ton of energy in 1 shot after a delay (so you have to hold the trigger for a few moments while it charges) then the weapon fires, producing a large beam with an explosion where it hits (probably with a nice firey effect, after all that much energy would set ANYTHING flammable on fire, or just melt it...).

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Ooo overchargeing and ejecting the energy cell, I like that.


@ Toasty Fresh, it's not about realism, it's about the ballance between real, possible and game play.

For me fireing a "blob of laser" just grates too much, which is why I sugested doing it with the plasma gun instead as that makes more sense.

I also like to apply occam's razor heavly to stuff, heck a lot of sci-fi out there needs a heavy does of occam's razor.


ps rpg/rocket luncher secondary fire, Incendary rocket ;)

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