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Turn around one's own character


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Maybe it'll seem like a dumb question to ask around here, but I looked around the game and the mods, and couldn't get an answer. So here's the trick: I see a lot of screenshots where people are showing how nice their char is looking, but i have no idea how you get the camera turn around your own character. Is there a button to press? I tried some and none worked. Is there an add-on to install to be able to look at your own character? Thx in advance, and sorry for the dumbity of the question if the answer is obvious.
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Maybe it'll seem like a dumb question to ask around here, but I looked around the game and the mods, and couldn't get an answer. So here's the trick: I see a lot of screenshots where people are showing how nice their char is looking, but i have no idea how you get the camera turn around your own character. Is there a button to press? I tried some and none worked. Is there an add-on to install to be able to look at your own character? Thx in advance, and sorry for the dumbity of the question if the answer is obvious.


Whilst in 3rd person mode open console and type tfc, this will free the camera and you can view your character from any angle you wish.

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Alternatively, if you dont want to use the console, you know how to go into 3rd person by scrolling the mouse wheel? Well hold down the button, in 1st or 3rd and you can rotate the camera 360 on your player.


Crap, sorry about the double post.

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In Fallout 3, the console is a debugging tool left by the developers in the PC version of the game. It is useful for developing and quality assurance, but it can also be used to cheat.


To access the console, use the backquote key (`) while in-game (Unpaused). The backquote key shifts to tilde (~) on US keyboards, and the not symbol (¬) on UK keyboards. Other keyboards will differ, but the key is usually to the left of 1, and just under the Escape key (Esc) The HUD will disappear and you will get a prompt (|) in the lower left corner of the screen where you can type-in code(s).


Presentation screenshots


* tfc - toggle free camera; lets you move around the camera at will. To take pictures of your character, make sure you go into third person mode first.

* tm - toggle menus; removes the HUD for even nicer pictures (it will not notify you when the screenshot has been successfully captured but it will function)

* sucsm 10, fast, sucsm 1, slow moving camera in tfc.

* fov 40, narrow, fov 90, wide angle lens. fov 75, default lens.

* tlb - toggle lightbrite mode makes everything well lit, great for dark spots.

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