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Spawn any object in game


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In future versions of Feng Shui, it will be possible for you to spawn virtually any object that exists in vanilla FO3. Eventually, I'll likely be making everything that you might ask for available, but to start with I'd like to narrow that down somewhat so I can get a usable version out for people to try, hopefully so I can get some feedback on how best to implement this before I go too far in any particular direction.


I'm not planning on doing anything with Actors for now, so no NPCs or Creatures, but just about anything else goes.


So what kind of objects would you be most interested in being able to work with? At the moment, I think specifics might be more helpful to me, so if you have particular objects in mind please mention them - but to help clarify what I'm talking about, these objects could be inventory items, chairs, tables, lockers, radios, terminals, walls, floors, signs, cars, boats, see-saws, mailboxes, fences, rocks, trees... essentially anything.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Chairs and radios would be the msot used one of your list (rocks definitively wouldn't). Terminals in the third place. Doors? And can you add lights/burning barrels? You shouldn't worry about inventory items ATM, since all them can be carried to the specific place and duplicated with Feng Shui.
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Light sources, Beds, Chairs, doors, shelves/containers. Not necessarily in that order, but those are the 4 components of turning a dark, abandoned building into a habitable space. I'm tired of megaton, let's say I want to turn that car dealership into a home. With those 5 items I can turn the bland and bleak office into a nice little den I can sleep in, drop my excess gear off at, and most importantly see around. :p I'd use Portable Campstuff but thwt requires a tedious list of console'd items.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Shelves would be a nice add. To get even more stuff on display :rolleyes:


I have already added a lot of shelves in my megaton house via GECKing around and it looks nice. Shelves like shown here aswell as those images if you haven't already. I found them in the GECK options and thought they were fitting. Toys are from DCinteriors.

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Items I'd like to see are : Projector, computer terminal, main frame, mop bucket, flag, posters, small round table, possibly the cabinets from Point lookout, some of the chairs, tables, computers, etc from Zeta would be cool, the medical equipment would be great, surgery table and light, IV stand, etc

SSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many possiblilities with this mod.


Can't say enough how cool of a mod this is.


Big thanks to Hughpinball!!!!!!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...
My character camps out a lot waiting for that perfect shot, sandbags etc stick out like a sore thumb so some vegetation would be good, WastelandHedgerow01Free, TreeWastelandHardwoodLog01 and the DLC04SwampCanopy01 from Point Lookout would make a great camouflage net
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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry if I appeared to have abandoned this topic. I've uploaded the latest test version of Feng Shui that includes the Object Spawning feature. So far it includes chairs, stools, benches, couches, tables, shelves, rugs, and many of the household and office objects. There's also all the framed, lighted posters to start with - for most other posters, signs, graffiti, and other 2D-type decorations, I'll need to add collision to the meshes so they can be manipulated with Feng Shui (individually, a fairly simple task, but the work adds up...). I think just about all vanilla inventory items (minus quest items) are in there too.


If you have further request/suggestions for objects to have available, feel free to continue making them here, but there's also a new discussion topic on the Feng Shui file page for discussion and feedback about the spawning feature in general.


One major task I have is the organization and grouping of all the various objects available to spawn. If you have any suggestions on this - especially after trying out the latest test version - they are welcome.

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A shameless bump to try to get a few more people interested in testing this version:




I made this quickly so it's not very exciting, but please watch from about 3:12 on to see the use of the Favorites feature - it's a great part of the new object spawning ability.


As far as all the other objects pre-selected for spawning, let me try to make this clear again: Adding any number of other objects to browse through and spawn is almost trivial in most cases. The biggest task I have is how to group and organize them so it's easy for you to find the items you want. I could really use some suggestions and feedback on this.


Let me put that another way: If I didn't care about it being easy for people to find the objects they want, I could just have one huge list with hundreds of things that you'd have to browse through. Actually, for practical and visual reasons, I'd probably break that up into 3 to 5 groups based on size, but each group would still have dozens or hundreds of objects. Doing it that way would be very easy for me, but I don't think it would be very user-friendly. Although, maybe I should release it that way so people will see that some kind of organization is needed and hopefully make some suggestions (instead of just complain :dry:). On the plus side, it would allow me to make many more objects available for spawning right away, since I wouldn't be waiting to figure out how to categorize them all into a hierarchy.

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.... well thats it Huge, I want your babies :wub:


I can't even start to figure out how you did that, but I want to test it! I'll give Megaton a nicer touch! Hell, I'll give everything a nicer touch!


EDIT; Oh, uuh... Have you ever played something like The Sims? I figure using the same organizational style like that would work pretty well.

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