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Need help :(


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Hi everyone, i've had absolutely no trouble installing mods the past week or so, got a few cool ones to aid me on my quest to conquer the world. Im not that new to modding as i know the basics and a bit extra, but the past few days i've been completely stuck with every mod i try to install. My NMM says to me "Could not extract files! Message: File is corrupted. Crc check has failed. the mod was not installed"

Now im not too sure why but it happens with every new mod i install, if i deactivate one i already have then reactivate it, the Message does not appear.

Is it just me or do others have this problem too? if i try installing manually it also says the files are corrupt too.

The mods im trying to install area - Aesir Armor Mod, Blood Witch Armor and RealVision ENB.

Thanks in advance,

Hxrlequinn :)

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CRC errors mean that - well - the archive is incomplete. This can have multiple reasons: the donwload didnt finish, the archive was corrupted allready (nexus servers?), you HDD is broken (chill out it highly unlikely)...

have you tried downloading the mods "manual" form the nexus and the using the "add mod from file" NMM option (just select the manually donwloaded archive)? should try that first

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Will try, thanks. well i've tried manually but it still says corrupt? ugh.

since nobody else has these problems with NExus mods, its probably your PC. try another internet browser (chrome, firefox, switch these around) maybe this will help? i dont know anything else. If you have this problem with other downloads too then you should better ask in some kind of PC forum i guess

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That not entirely true, I was running into the same issue awhile back, I found that Boss was actually causing the issue, not NM as strange as that sounds. So if you happen to still be using boss, uninstall it and try upgrading to Loot. Fixed the issue for me, other wise. I'd try downloading the mod manually, then adding it to NM from there.

Edited by mainframex
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