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Some Mods just won't work.


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I'm using DAModder, and some files it tells me don't have whatever file it needs to recognize it as a mod. The readme for these mods all tell me to install them directly into the override folder. Not a single mod I've installed in this way works. They seem to be mostly cosmetic mods, like replacing Morrigan and new hair mods. There are several other types with the same issue, so I don't know if it's relevant, it just seems to be mostly those types of mods. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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I use Vista, and although it is a bit clunky, I've not had any problems installing and running mods.


I use DAO-Modmanager. It works great and I've never had any problems with itt.


If a mod needs to be installed directly into the Override folder without using the mod manager, make sure it is the one in C:\<user>\Documents\Bioware\Dragon Age\packages\core\override\. By the way, some mods that are installed that way don't make it clear that you can keep the mod files in their own folder within the \override folder or create a folder for them if there isn't one already. That keeps things tidy and makes uninstalling easier. Just make sure there isn't a conflicting file in another one.

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most propable reasons that its telling you its not a mod is because it's not a .dazip or.zip, but rather a .rar or .7z. Or has such a folder inside of them. None of the current mod installation programs will recognize those folder formats, thus they have to be extracted from them first.

a cheat for this is to use whatever program (I prefer 7zip because it handles all the formats) to extract the contents into a new folder. then once extracted, I just right click the new folder, then add it to a new .zip. then DragNdrop the new zip into damodder.


if its a file that changes just morrigan's face morph, all you should have to do is put the hf_genfl_morrigan.mor file in the documents/bioware/dragon age/ packages/core/override folder.


hair, eye, makeup, face tints, tattoos, etc are all called chargen mods. these mods use a list called chargenmorphcfg.xml to tell the character creator what's available to use. The problem is, is that the game is dumb. It will only read ONE of the chargenmorph files. So wehn you add more of these mods to the game, you have to update the chargenmorphcfg.xml file to include these new bodyparts. Or else they won't show up in the chargen screen. do a search for hair, or eyes, we answer this one a lot, so you'll find the answer, and how to.


Seyheb- I want to go ahead and mention this. The override folder will only look 3 directories down, after that it ignores any folders that are further down the list.

Override/modnamefolder/folder1/folder2/folder3/folder4/folder5. Once it gets to folder 3, it stops looking. so anything that is in folder 4 or 5 will be ignored :wink:

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Thanks BrujahWarrior. The problem was indeed the chargenmorphcfg.xml. I resolved the issue by downloading the DACharGenMorphCompiler from DANexus. Worked like a charm. Kudos my friend.
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No problem at all. glad to hear that you got it fixed. And thanks for my first kudos! :wub: :thumbsup: I appreciate that :smile:


I know that the description for that program tells you this, but I'll go ahead and mention it. That program won't add in a chargen mod that doesnt already have a chargenmorph file. So if the author didnt include it, you'll have to make one from scratch, or add the new parts in manually. :confused:


Enjoy, and have fun.


;..; Bru

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