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Oblivion Windowed mode Problem


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Right so..


Basically I try and run oblivion in windowed mode, tried it with vsync,and without.(currently talking about activating windowed mode from the launcher). Then I go to obse, both launcher and obse are run in windowed mode. Oblivion starts. But quite simply, it's not visible. If use alt+tab and minimise, I can hover over it, and I can see it working in the little box that comes up when i hover.


I also tried it through the .ini, but that's already set to windowed, even when I am in fullscreen. I tried changing it so that it showed have showed full screen, then started the game. Exited, and changed it back to 0. It then received the same problem I get from choosing windowed in the launcher.


I can't upload a screenshot for some reason.

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If your screen is black but still playing, try disabling HDR & any active shadow effects.

Disable the former through your rig's graphic card controller - you should always use that to set the settings anyway for any game to ensure its using the "true" graphics card settings and not forced/false ones from the program. Disable the latter through the game's graphic options settings. Frankly, considering how much they can slow down the game, even in hi-res the shadow graphics in Oblivion are, for lack of a better description, P*ss poor anyways, and probably won't be missed.


Also remember Oblivion and many other games like it (not to put too finer point on it - Resource Hogs) simply don't like to be ran in windowed mode. Things don't always display or interact properly when they are in windowed mode because you're not using the full selected resolution, and that isn't how the games were designed to be ran.


Regardless, hope you get it sorted.

Good luck,


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  • 2 months later...

I'm having the same exact problem that you are having Slawter500. Though The first few days I had it in full screen and windowed worked just fine. It was after I installed some mods and when I tried to adjust the position of the windowed screen I had some problems. (I was trying to get it to the center of my full 1920X1080P Monitor) The next day it did just as you were talking about. Though if I tried to click on it, I could hear the sound of my mouse moving over the options, as well as the menu music. I still cant get windowed mode to work and I've reinstalled it from scratch.


Though I use the steam version. So I have absolutely no clue on how to fix this. I too would like some help.


Thanks for this forum post, I know I'm not alone in my problem.

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  • 3 weeks later...



I'm not too sure if this is a necro-post(been almost a month since last post), but I'm sorry if it is.


Basically, i was trying to find a way to run v-sync in windowed mode for Oblivion and saw this. Your problem is likely that the .ini file was set to put your iLocation X and iLocation Y to some crazy location that makes no sense what-so-ever. I've had this happen to me before, and they were both set at -32,000(Yeah, no joke.)


All you have to do to fix this, is either manually change them back, and then save the .ini, or the easier way is to go into your (Owner Folder) > (My Documents) > (My Games) > (Oblivion), and then delete your .ini file. When you load up the launcher again, it should say, "Oblivion will now detect your video hardware settings and set video options accordingly." Let it work itself out and then launch your game with whatever launcher you use, and your windowed mode should launch with its top left corner right at (0,0), which is the top left of your screen.


Good luck!

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  • 9 months later...

I'm having the same exact problem that you are having Slawter500. Though The first few days I had it in full screen and windowed worked just fine. It was after I installed some mods and when I tried to adjust the position of the windowed screen I had some problems. (I was trying to get it to the center of my full 1920X1080P Monitor) The next day it did just as you were talking about. Though if I tried to click on it, I could hear the sound of my mouse moving over the options, as well as the menu music. I still cant get windowed mode to work and I've reinstalled it from scratch.


Though I use the steam version. So I have absolutely no clue on how to fix this. I too would like some help.


Thanks for this forum post, I know I'm not alone in my problem.


Mahmood's solution works perfectly for me. Thanks Mahmood!

Edited by LeavingLotus
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  • 7 months later...



I'm not too sure if this is a necro-post(been almost a month since last post), but I'm sorry if it is.


Basically, i was trying to find a way to run v-sync in windowed mode for Oblivion and saw this. Your problem is likely that the .ini file was set to put your iLocation X and iLocation Y to some crazy location that makes no sense what-so-ever. I've had this happen to me before, and they were both set at -32,000(Yeah, no joke.)


All you have to do to fix this, is either manually change them back, and then save the .ini, or the easier way is to go into your (Owner Folder) > (My Documents) > (My Games) > (Oblivion), and then delete your .ini file. When you load up the launcher again, it should say, "Oblivion will now detect your video hardware settings and set video options accordingly." Let it work itself out and then launch your game with whatever launcher you use, and your windowed mode should launch with its top left corner right at (0,0), which is the top left of your screen.


Good luck!


fantastic, i just changed the -32000s to 0s and it worked for me, how do some people know so much about computers? thanks for your help!

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  • 2 years later...

Thank God for Google!! It found this necro-post and it was exactly the problem I was experiencing and solution. Somehow those settings got messed up on a CTD (I think thats what caused it)

Mahmood_195, if you ever read this...Thanks a big huge bunch! Kudos. +rep, +3 internet points.

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