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*Adult Content* Can someone please identify the armor in this screensh


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It is from the Apachii Goddess Store mod. At the risk of offending the modder with misinformation, I do believe there are a few other mods with this armor, and some with variations of it as well. But I am 100% certain that it can be bought from the Apachii Goddess Store.
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Not DMRA. That only provides a big booty. I recall seeing this one before, but I don't remember the name. BAB, perhaps?


No, it doesn't Bala. The clue is in the name = DMRA stands for "Double Melons Round Ass" ... originally it just needed the textures from exnems or HGEC to work right, but with a bit of skill you could apply the body as a replacer if you had those textures, so in some of the downloads you got source or mod resource files with the body meshes in.


I don't use it, preffering HGEC at the moment, simply because of the amount of armor thats out for it, but I did try it for a while, however, modding the armors that clipped with it proved too much work, even for a patient soul (hehhe heh ehe yeah right!) like me.



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