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2 Immersive Books Requests


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Hey Guys & Gals,


So can someone make a small mod for a Recipes Book? So It starts of as a Blank Empty Book and as you read recipes The Book fills with them? I've got the Dragonborn Journal Mod installed and I think it would be cool to have the recipes in a similar book so I'm not stuck carrying loads of little recipes. Granted they weigh nothing, but sorting through them is a real pain and I'd gladly trade off 1 or 2 carryweight for an overall neater system.


The second part of the request is can any make a page mod? So I can read a book like said Recipe Book and then skip to a page that I want. Or even something similar to the SkyUI Search Bar would be acceptable. Where I could Type in a Recipe Name and it'll skip to that Page.


I know creating this mod is harder then it seems considering the alternative is just carrying a lot of pieces of paper, but I think it would add a degree of Immersion that the game lacks. I mean come on, you go to your grandmothers house and she doesn't have loads of bits of paper with recipes, she probably puts them all together in a book of folder. It's the same kind of thing. Thanks for reading.



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Actually, my Grandma's half-nuts, so she's got Post-It Notes all over the place LOL


Someone does have a mod that includes an Atronach Forge Recipe book, but I don't recall which one. Aemer's Refuge, I think. Surely someone's already made a stand-alone book for all Alchemy recipes?

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DrNewcenstein, Not that I've seen other wise I wouldn't of put the request forward. Which is a shame because it is such an immersive idea that the game would benefit from.

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