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Need help with Leveled NPCs/Creatures


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Ok, here's the problem...I created 2 Argonians, one is male and another female. What I want to do with them is to put them in Leveled Creatures list, so that there's 50% chance for each to spawn, like e.g. daedra.


But when I try to drag them on the list, nothing happens. :verymad: I think that draging NPCs on Leveled Creatures (LC) IS possible, since LC are used for bandits and marauders.


Please, forgive me for English if it's bad and I would highly appreciate help.


Thanks, you BlackerrR. :thumbsup:

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Things placed on leveled lists cannot have low processing enabled. Open each in the editor, and make sure "no low level processing" is checked. This should allow you to add the NPCs to this list, just be aware that if they have any special packages or are told to move between spaces (interior/exterior), they will probably get stuck and any special packages may not be reliable.
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