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Minor graphics glitch

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I have a minor glitch right now where the numbered scale from the side of the menu screen (underneath Continue, New, Load, etc...) occasionally pops up in game while I'm wandering the Wasteland. Any ideas on what may be causing it or how to fix it?


are you accidentally hitting the ESC key? if not it could potentially be a hardware problem, I'd check to see if the Keyboard is connected well.

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Shot in the dark here, but do you have some sort of sidebar/rainmeter/instant messenger/winamp/any other programs running in the background, as a window on the right side of your desktop?


I used to get this with AIM sometimes, popping in & out of random games & making the space it took all messed up (sometimes black, sometimes weird textures or backgrounds/menus like yours).


Just a thought, since I (and others) often run a variety of programs on the side of the screen that could somehow be trying to take priority over the game.


Good luck!

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