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fose and windows 7 problems


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well, every time i start fallout 3, it runs fine. when i install fose and try to launch fallout 3, even without useing the fose launcher it crashes. im useing windows 7 64 bit, a intel radion mobile hd (forget number) 2 intel 2.4 ghz cpus. i cant even get past being born. im trying to use fwe, but i havent gotten any sucess. sorry for bad speling and gramer, i have dysgraphea. my load order is fallout wanders edditon main esp, fallout wanders eddition esm and craft.esp and calibr. esp. still cant get it to launch. fallout.esm goes first.
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Are you using the Direct2Drive version of the game? I understand FOSE will not work with that, nor will it work with the Russian or Polish versions of the game. The game does need to be patched too, FOSE will not work with the unpatched
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