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Join the Enclave.


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The greatest minus of the game is that you can't join the Enclave :sad: . As I know, I't's very upsetting for many people. WHY hasn't anybody made a mod which gives you ability to play for Enclave? Yes it will change the plot structure...


And yes I know about mods Enclave Commander, Follower Autumn, The Eagle has landed - they are all nice but it's completely another thing.


What about the plot. Here I can suppose different lines.

Note - from the very beginning of the game the Enclave must be neutral to the player.

:nuke: 1) In Megaton you meet Natan who is crazy about Enclave and offer him to stop talking and start doing. You take him as a follower and go to the Enclave base or outpost where you can get job. Yes, the Enclave is hiring wastelanders because they don't want to risk lifes of their people. So you can become a free-lance Enclave agent.

Your tasks: kill ghouls and super-mutants and fulfill special missions. In the Purifier you talk the father into working for Enclave too (should have good speech). After that you find Geck, give it to Autumn and get money and a room in Raven Rock. Then you can help the Enclave in Fighting the BoS as a spy. You must re-program Liberty Prime so he will turn hostile to the BoS, bring poisoned food which will kill most of the soldiers. After defeating the BoS you gain the Enclave citizenship. :smile:


:nuke: 2) You are caught by the Enclave after finding the Geck (a usual plot line). When Autumn demands you to say the code you may tell the real one and get the same spy-task like in the № 1.


:nuke: 3) Or, you may choose not to answer and the President will call you to his cabinet. You go and talk to him, agree to put FEV into water, of course, not destroy him. (a usual plot line).

Then you should fulfill a mission of a peace-maker between President and Autumn. You must convince Autumn to agree with Eden's decision and also convince Eden that Autumn still can be trusted. In case of success you get citizenship (I mean you are oficially included in the Enclave). Then you can help fighting the Broterhood or make other tasks (completely new quests).


I can think of many variants of the plot developement and new quests. But unfortunately I have no experience in modding! Maybe some advanced modders will pay attention to given ideas? :smile:

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But if you did this you would have to listen to all those demned Eyebot speaches all day, "Sweet America...". Horrors!!




Eyebot speeches can be changed quite easily. I find the eyebots very funny creatures)

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Hmmm. It's big. Very big. But it would be good. I mean, I like the Enclave armor because it's powerful and cool looking, but it's.... Enclave?

The armor is really good but I prefer a business suit) The armor can be obtained just by killing a soldier or with a cheat... The sense of my request is in joining the Enclave and playing for it :smile:


I think it also wold be great to have mods enabling joining raiders, ghouls and mutant factions - the more freedom the better. Just bacause I'm a devote fan of the Enclave I'm dreaming about the mod I told above.

I know cheat trick which makes the Enclave friendly to the player, but it doesn't give new dialogues and quests...

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