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help i cant download mods from tesnexus


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Check you are not running AdBlock Plus, or NoScript, or (if using Internet Explorer) that you don't have a pop-up blocker running. Some toolbars also include popup blockers. You need to allow popups and scripts for the TESNexus site or you'llk never get a file
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No, TesNexus is definitely not like Morrowblivion :facepalm: Or any other gamer site.

For one thing, Everything on TesNexus is legal - pirates, pirated material and copyrighted material is not allowed and will get you banned here.


Morrowblivion is a single mod that tries to combine two separate games. TesNexus is a site that supports tens of thousands of mods - (Over 20,000 mods for Oblivion alone) for a group of games, plus a set of forums for discussing the various mods and games


Moroblivion is not allowed here at the express request of Bethesda Softworks as it does violate their rules on including assets from one game in another. We do not allow linking to it, or discussing it here.

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  • 6 months later...
Strange -- I sometimes get a timeout or the mysterious white window when trying to download mods. Also, sometimes it asks me which location to download from and sometimes it chooses for me. Usually it will work if I just close the popup and try again. As others have said, try disabling any browser addons or such and retest.
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I believe you get the server selection dialogue when the file is large (i.e. large enough you would need a sign-in account to download). I too often get the 'white window' freeze. Usually closing it and trying again is all it takes.
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  • 2 years later...

Okay.. I am new as well. I been looking for somewhere to ask this I hope this is the right spot if not sorry. I cannot access Tesnexus and was wondering if i am missing something, need to download something? I click a link to there and it takes me to Oblivion nexus mods start page and logs me out.

I am using win7 64 bit if that matters... sorry to bother. :confused:


I just found this post so disregard my question.

TES Nexus has been split into Morrowind Nexus and Oblivion Nexus. The original TES Nexus web page has been taken offline, but the link to the site still needs to be removed and you will need to update your bookmarks


Edited by 69BadBoy69
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