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The ten demensions


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(If you don't want to read what each demension is, just skip to the last line to recieve your question.)As most of you know there is the leading theory that there are ten demensions in exsistence. The first demension being the most simple being comprised as a singlarity, the secound being two singlarities with a line connecting them where "flat landers" exsist who have no depth. In fact if they had a digestive system they would split in two. The third demension, being ours, where two singlarities are connected by a line with another singlarity branching off, like a tree. Here we exsist as creatures with height, length, and depth. The fourth being the tree singlarities except with another branching singlarity (I think), where here you see yourself as an elongated snake with your past and future spread before you. The fifth demension follows after which is the entire universe as a singlarity. The sixth, seventh, and eighth and I believe ninth demensions being part of that tree thing. And finally the tenth being every single thing in exsistence as a singlarity, which is why there can't be more than ten. And no before you ask there can't be another exsistence because that would be part of the tenth demension because its all these exsistences as just one. And so we have ten demensions in front of us, and a few behind. So if they are really there what is going on inside them? (OBTW, can someone verify this? I'm getting alot feed back that states there are eleven demensions, not ten. Is this true, because if it is then that website where I got this information on is very misleading because I know for a fact that they said there are ten demensions in exsistence and there can't be more than that. If this isn't true then I'll just edit this.)
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Thanks for starting this Kean, I owe you one. After the original link was posted in the time debate, my mind was blown on the realization of the string-theory.


I believe in all of the ten dimensions with the exception of the 8th 9th and 10th. To me, the existence of a separate universe with it's own set of different laws is absurd. I will stick with ours, but I will believe that in the dimensions up to 7 that there are numerous possibilities of what is going on and what is not.


Time, is the 4th dimension. All time, from the beginning to the end is a part of this sphere. According to the wonderful video that explains it all, if we were to live in the '4th' dimension we would all be able to see everyone's life from past to present, and birth to death. However, also according to the video, we can only see cross sections of this phenomenon. Therefore, we can only realize ourselves at a single point at a time.


This took me a while to understand personally at first, as the third and fourth dimensions are experienced differently. We experience the third easily by sight, yet the fourth dimension is a concept we cannot see physically even though we experience it in out lives daily. What stumps me is the sudden change from vision to non-vision. We can see the second dimension easily, and it was never a problem acknowledging it. We can't see the 0th, and first Dimension (A single point, and a line). The third dimension is easy too. The fourth dimension, however, can only be understood through logic and cannot be understood through observation by anything other than the system of time man and animal has learned throughout evolution/creation. We can see a clock true, but can you see time? You can know the time, but you can never see it. You can determine what it is based on things that we have modeled our system of time tracking (E.G. the sun, moon, and seasons).


So we have a concept that we understand, but can not touch. Objects in the 3rd dimension can be touched, heard, smelled, and observed, but we can't do any of that to this 4th dimension.


Alright, there is my story. I will lay back a little and let some other people have fun with this, and then I will explain the other dimensions in my own little way....

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SO your saying that we have no will of choice? That we move along a straight path, and have no say in the matter?



only with surrender things become clear.

that silence is regardless of what show you make.


everything changes yet stays very much the same.

thats you.


you become ordinary.

no ten dimensions.


if its not humble it is not real and cannot be filled.

simple as that.


when something happen it happen it happen.

be very honest.

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I will never surrender.


Life still has meaning, and possibility.


You can't rule out what is unknown. Only when it is known, can you deny something exists.


Denying this is rejecting what it means to be human.


Humankind will never surrender.


You need to have more hope, and imagination.

Simple as that.




Cool, I did it Hoshi style. Don't sue me for copyright infringement.

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Without unconscious surrender you could not even digest. :turned:


Life still has meaning, and possibility? Who said that? The end is near 2012 ! Emerrich forseen it cleary in his vision!


I am from ACTA comitee and as such this paper is copyrighted as of Law twenty one seven eight alpha gamme omega three paragraph thirteen twelve one slash in the secret treaty of no one knows.

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