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Forum Game: Count to 20 before someone with an U/u in his username pos


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Okay back to season rule. And I cleared my PM inbox, thanks for mentioning it.


I don't care if anyone changes the rules so feel free to do it at any time without asking me. :turned:


Which season would people like?

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Okay back to season rule. And I cleared my PM inbox, thanks for mentioning it.


I don't care if anyone changes the rules so feel free to do it at any time without asking me. :turned:


Which season would people like?

Pm still doesn't work for you.

Suggest a neutral season....WINTER...or SUMMER... it favors neither of the strong teams :ie the Martians or Dark Cavalry.


SEASONS= Join date determines membership


SPRING= March, April, May=Martians


SUMMER= June, July, August=Unnamed


AUTUMN= September, October, November=Dark Cavalry


WINTER= December, January, February=Unnamed


WINNER picks the new Season


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I vote for WINTER...otherwise Sarya will hang us out to dry....and remember the Russians have long winters...LOL Whoever gets it ....good animations..it's half the fun.
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