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Forum Game: Count to 20 before someone with an U/u in his username pos


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http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/6779/redplanet.gif Target acquired commander, launching missile.http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/804/missile.gifhttp://img215.imageshack.us/img215/8654/nuclearexplosion.gif..0
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http://www.sanitarium.net/images/strobe.gifEARTHLING DETEKTED!http://www.sanitarium.net/images/strobe.gif

this here's martian territory.

you've been warned ONCE.

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http://www.sanitarium.net/images/strobe.gifEARTHLING DETEKTED!http://www.sanitarium.net/images/strobe.gif

this here's martian territory.

you've been warned TWICE.

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