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Truly Immersed


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So I am running Hunterborn, Frostfall, RND, OBIS, and a lot of other things and this really helps one to feel like they are a part of the world of Skyrim. The fact that eating drinking and sleeping are all major things that need to happen well it is a very nice touch. I am having a slight issue with it all though. I just don't feel like part of the.... part of the infrastructure. I don't know very well how to explain, but even when on Legendary difficulty where I get an Extreme man vs man (or Actor vs Actor as it would be), running all my mods with Man vs Nature, I still feel like it is hard to make yourself feel like you have a place in Skyrim. Like it feel like I am still the Outsider.

Don't get me wrong Trade Routes and Trade and Barter help some, as I collect goods in one city travel to another city to sell and that helps. I get to see the world and change it and take advantage of a venue yet unforeseen in video games. And hell even Animated Prostitution helps some, as when you use the Roleplay version of it you develop intimate relationships and people skills to sleep with others.

I still feel like something is missing. Something important.... I just don't know what yet.

So the question here is, with all these mods set up to overwhelm a player and force them into the mindset of a helpless citizen of Skyrim, what do you think would add to the immersion?

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Oh that looks like a great one. I have added Immersive Patrols and such that way I get some war zones and such in my travels and I decided I am going with the Thief Archtype using SkyRE focusing on Way Faring and Alchemy. The Wood Elf Emoria trying to strike it big as an alchemist.

Is there a mod to let you set up a shop?

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