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Keerava and Talen-Jei fix


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In Skyrim, I love playing as an Argonian. They're so cool with their scales, tail and beast head. So in Skyrim, when I have an Argonian player, I usually want to help out every other Argonian in the world, and be around them. Of course, as an Argonian, the first thing I will do is the Thieves Guild questline, and make Riften my home, since there are more Argonians there than any other city.

HOWEVER, by doing the quest to join the Thieves Guild, Taking Care of Business, I have to assault/threaten/scare the innkeeper at the Bee and Barb, which is an Argonian. She, along with her soon-to-be husband will hate me after doing that.

[And here's the important part] Even AFTER I help them in their miscellaneous quest to give them 3 flawless Amethysts, they will STILL hate me!

Here I am, just want a drink in my favorite city. ''It is our most favored company. Door's right over there. Why don't you use it?''

It just breaks my heart to hear that.

I've looked around everywhere, and there's no such mod to fix this yet.

So if someone could please, pleeeaase for the love of Argonia, make a mod that fixes this relationship issue so that Keerava and Talen-Jei won't hate me in 50% of their dialogue, I will love you forever.

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