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I Lost VATS Bloody Effects. Anyone know why?


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Hi, I recently installed a few mods (specifically FOMM, Archiveinvalidation Invalidated, Underground Hideout v4-4, My mansion Player Home, and Mini Hideout Katana) and since then I noticed in combat there are no more bloody special effects. No more gore, lost limbs, exploding heads, etc, the bodies just go down.

Does anyone know why this would happen? What files might have gotten messed up when placing the mods in the Data folder or a step I might have missed?

If anyone can help it would be greatly aprpeciated. Especially since VATS and all the effects are 90% of the game's fun. I even have the Bloody Mess Perk so you can imagine how boring it is when the bodies just drop.......

Thanks so much!

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been alot of this going around lately.


deactivate your mods until it comes back


then post what mod caused it.


Several (in)active threads on this topic


so it seems that nobody knows what's causing it,


but its getting posted alot


so some popular mod has a problem.

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been alot of this going around lately.


deactivate your mods until it comes back


then post what mod caused it.


Several (in)active threads on this topic


so it seems that nobody knows what's causing it,


but its getting posted alot


so some popular mod has a problem.


Thanks for the tip, I will keep that in mind for the future. the load order was all out of whack for whatever reason. when i re-set it to the proper order it seemed to have returned to normal. My sniper rifle blew a Talon Merc's head apart like a busted zit so as long as that continues I'm good.

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