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Field Medic Power Armor


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Red and/or black sounds fine to me, anyway I'd rather leave the final word to your discretion... your taste seems to be quite similar to mine and you can judge the potential result way better than me after all *thumbs up*

Totally agreed about the gun, as much as the guy is supposed to rely on a non-violent set of principles, I highly doubt anyone in his right state of mind would dare walk through the wasteland without the proper equipment...

I also doubt mutants would show any kind of mercy to a human doctor LOL.

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Yeah, but you're the requester :smile:.


It depends on what you like, both seem nice. And the current one blends in quite well.

I could turn it to red as well, but this is how it looks as with your avy when I modified it a bit (worn):




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It sure blends in nicely... and it looks all kinds of badass.

I don't really know how the red would look, but I can tell you it already looks mighty fine like that.

You've done such an incredible job, thank you very much *shakes hand*

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This is a quick fix (edited the image instead of the model) how it could look in red. but you're right. The black one looks great right way, don't mess with the medic! The red one is a bit to happy.



K, any other suggestions, additions? (selling it at another place, some other changes to the armor..etc..etc..) Otherwise I'll finalize and upload it.

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Since it's a medic pa, and not a prototype it could have a built-in stimpack injector.

(this could act when health drops below 20%

And radaway injector too.

(give a kick of this when user gets a minor radiation poisoning)


The armor would have higher value, or it would be in the "Our lady of hope" hospital, in the same room where the Mr. Handy is locked away, in an armor case locked wery hard.

Oh, and a holotape note too, wich is tells the armors stats, some instructions about it, and a little story of it.

So ?

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Yeah, I've made something similar for personal use a while ago. I'll put it in as a second .esp as the OP likes a clean one.

I like the instructions part, I'll add that too. I'm not sure where to definite put it all in yet as well, I'm looking over the options yet.

I'd like to put it in a vanilla persistent ref container that has a name, that way I don't need to touch any cells.


I see two in that hospital, I'll check out other places as well.

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Agreed. Black and grey it is, then.


Yeah, I'd prefer a clean version for personal use... nevertheless, I must admit those suggestions sound really good - trying to keep the doctor alive through a battle does sound coherent - and I'm pretty sure a lot of people will find them interesting so they'll be a cool addition to the original idea for those who want something more than a regular armor. As for the place to buy it or find it, Rivet City sounds like the perfect place for merchants to "recycle" the stuff they've got around the Citadel, and a Hospital is just the logical place to find forgotten medical stuff after all... I can't think of anywhere else right now but I'll give it a thought just in case.


I hadn't thought about the explanatory holotape, good point... *random idea* in fact you could make the instructions look as if they were part of a field medic training manual someone's left there in their haste (and even add a couple of Stimpacks/Radaways to the container to make it look like the equipment).


EDIT - Stupid question, just to make sure:

Repairing will work with Power Armors and Outcasts' Armors just like the regular thing, won't it? I suppose the answer is yes, but just in case. The final result looks so damn fine I'm already planning on giving it quite a rough use LOL.

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It sounds like a good option, the regular armor would be available as where it is. Simply because anyone could've found it and sold it like any piece of armor. The other armor at the hospital, which offers some tiny challenge if you've not visited it yet.


In what kind of state would you like it to have? Yes, you can fix it with any other power-armor as usual. As it is now you'll be able to buy a fully fixed one.....

And I think for the one that's at the hospital it should be damaged quite a lot. The useful thing about the hospital is that the safe will probably contain some radaways/stimpacks already :smile:. You should watch out which you repair though lol, if you pick the wrong one you'll loose the medic-version!

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IMHO that's such a great and believable approach. I really like the fact that you'd be able to purchase a repaired version of the regular armor at the marketplace and would have to struggle a bit to get the upgraded version in a poorer condition at the hospital; it sounds fair and makes sense with the context. As for the state of the buyable armor, if we're sticking to reality - and much to my dismay LOL - I doubt the skills of any Rivet City merchant would be enough to repair some scavenged armor fully, so I guess it should be just in a reasonably good state.


I will certainly have to choose carefully when repairing, it wouldn't be the first time I mess my inventory or lose a unique item just because I wasn't reading with attention... thank God for F5 LOL

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