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"Do I know this spell already?"


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If you're trying to get a full spell book for completionist's sake, it's actually kind of annoying, having to go in an out of spell merchants' inventories to check to see if you already know these spells.


Oblivion got it right: If you already knew a spell, that spell would not show up in spell merchants' inventories at all. That made it easier for you to know if it was worth buying: If it was there, it was worth buying. Period.


Of course, now that Skyrim has spell tomes instead of just learning the spells themselves, there are actual reasons to have the spells available even if you already know the spells:


1. If you have a mod installed, you can teach spells to your followers.

2. It gives Bethesda an excuse to have spells as loot in dungeons.

3. You can compile a LIBRARY of spell tomes (again, just for completionists sake).


However, it's still annoying, having to keep a constant checklist of all the spells you already have, and all the spells you still need to buy.


Can somebody make a mod that will give a little marker (such as in the upper, right-hand corner of the spell's status window) telling you if you already know the spell or not?


If you want to start a library, you can simply wait until you have a bunch of money, and then just buy out the entire College of Winterhold's supply of spell tomes in one fell swoop.


Any takers?

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If you use SkyUI there is a little icon within both the player inventory and the merchant inventory that indicates whether books (including spell tomes) have been read by the player. Since spells tomes have to be read before you can have the spell, this is a perfect means of indicating if you know the spell or not. Only two spells in the base game are pre-known: Healing & Flames.


Other mods which have similar indicators when outside of the inventory are MoreHUD and Unread Books Glow.


However, these will not indicate whether or not you still need certain copies for a library that you may be working on.

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Only two spells in the base game are pre-known: Healing & Flames.

There is 1 problem with that statement, you can learn several spells by means other than reading the books. So Skyui is great for recording the tomes you have read but still requires you keep track of the spells you learn without having to actually read a tome.

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