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HIT THE DIRT" {{{Dynamic Cover Mod}}} "Duck and Cover Perk


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Picture the Lone Wanderer (You) walking down the Rivet City beach enjoying the beautiful bright-green day, when for no apparent reason at all a Mutant with a MINIGUN buzzes You with just shy of 100 rounds, and you with your quick thinking "HIT THE DIRT" (AKA, Double Tap Left-Control) and look like this >>



(Plus a gun in hand and Minus the Feet sticking in the air)

HIT THE DIRT is a "Go-Prone" mod for Fallout 3 (Something Bethesda missed)


HIT THE DIRT would add realism and immersion to gun fights (as apposed to the current Revolutionary War "Line-up-in-the-open-and-shoot-at-the-other-idiot-until-he-dies Style.


#1When Prone you gain a 50% less Chance of Getting Hit. #2 You also Gain a Double Accuracy Bonus (Like Crouching)

#3 You also Gain a Double Sneak Bonus While Crawling


This mod could also incorporate these mods to make the gunfights more real:

- Largely Increased Damage (Realistic Bullet Damage)

- Faster Bullets (Realistic Bullet Speed)

- RH_IronSights - FOSE (Realistic Aiming for First Person {And Turn off Stupid Cross Hairs})


- MMMs-NoAutoAim - works with 3rd person (Realistic Aiming for Third Person)

- Amplified Crippled Effects(Realistic Gunshot Wounds)

- Explosion Knockdowns (Realistic Explosions)


And this my dear readers, brings us to the closing of this awesome(well it would be if it were made) mod.

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Reasonably good idea, too much baggage though. Should just be it's own mod if it is ever done. TBH if you use Conbat Enchanced: Tactics then prone becomes a little less necessary as NPCs take cover in doorways, behind sandbags, shoot thorugh windows etc, which reduces the "wow so a nuclear apocalypse kills common sense AND infantry training manuals, huh?" feeling.
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