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Question about poly...


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I've been working on a beautification mod for Skingrad. I posted how when I played my game with my mod active-my game became choppy. Someone said I had used up too much poly and with other mods already installed-other players would not want to download it because it may conflict with other beautification mods.

Okay, I can accept that but I'm not going to NOT make my mod because of other beautification mods that may or may not conflict in the game.

With that attitude, I kept my mod active and was going to test it in my game with out any of the other beautification mods. Before I could do that, though, my niece came over and I showed her my mod with a character she had just created. I didn't deactivate any of the mods I had on before. When her character went into Skingrad, it wasn't at all choppy. ???


How did her playing with a new character make the poly thingy run better than it does with my character? I don't understand. Do you think it could be something else? I hadn't changed anything with the mod I've been working on.

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I've been working on a beautification mod for Skingrad. I posted how when I played my game with my mod active-my game became choppy. Someone said I had used up too much poly and with other mods already installed-other players would not want to download it because it may conflict with other beautification mods.

Okay, I can accept that but I'm not going to NOT make my mod because of other beautification mods that may or may not conflict in the game.

With that attitude, I kept my mod active and was going to test it in my game with out any of the other beautification mods. Before I could do that, though, my niece came over and I showed her my mod with a character she had just created. I didn't deactivate any of the mods I had on before. When her character went into Skingrad, it wasn't at all choppy. ???


How did her playing with a new character make the poly thingy run better than it does with my character? I don't understand. Do you think it could be something else? I hadn't changed anything with the mod I've been working on.


It happened to me,as well,when I started a new character after my reinstalling,to level a bit so I can test everything I make properly.


I don't use Better Cities,but I use BC Skingrad Reduced,which is the same as better city,only better paced and less decorations,a bit more space.And still,I had hits and chops here and there,but when I started a new game,went in Skingrad,it ran properly.


Why?I wouldn't know,it is probably something with the game engine,or such.

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Hmmm. Interesting. It must have something to do with how much stuff your character is carrying and his\her history?


I'm going to do what I want to the mod and then test it with a newer character. I'll try it with and without other mods to see how it works. If the game runs okay than I'll upload it. If it makes other people's game choppy they can just disable the mod or maybe a more experienced modder can help me out and tell me what I can do to improve it. It's my first mod. There are going to be mistakes. I just don't want to mess up anyone's game to the point it makes it crash or has those annoying mesh missing signs.

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Lol at Wolfhound. I got really bummed when I read that others wouldn't download it if it conflicted with other better mods and actually thought I'd just ditch the whole thing. :confused: But then I figured there must be other people who don't have those other better mods downloaded and would like my mod. :tongue:


PyFFI'ing my mods? :unsure: I have no idea what that means and it sounds complicated. I'm not making any new meshes-except I have installed a couple of new meshes for window boxes that other members have kindly made.

I think I'll take you up on checking the speed but first-I'm not finished the mod yet and second, I'm not sure how to transfer the mod with those new meshes inside the mod. I haven't gotten around to trying to figure that out yet.

But when I do, I'll send you a PM. Thank you very much. :smile:

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Lol at Wolfhound. I got really bummed when I read that others wouldn't download it if it conflicted with other better mods and actually thought I'd just ditch the whole thing. :confused: But then I figured there must be other people who don't have those other better mods downloaded and would like my mod. :tongue:


PyFFI'ing my mods? :unsure: I have no idea what that means and it sounds complicated. I'm not making any new meshes-except I have installed a couple of new meshes for window boxes that other members have kindly made.

I think I'll take you up on checking the speed but first-I'm not finished the mod yet and second, I'm not sure how to transfer the mod with those new meshes inside the mod. I haven't gotten around to trying to figure that out yet.

But when I do, I'll send you a PM. Thank you very much. :smile:


<<<wants to use your city beautification mod.


Do it! :thumbsup:

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PyFFI stands for Python File Format Interface. It just doesn't have to be used for your mod but PyFFI'ing all your oblivion meshes for personal use is quick and saves some FPS. Anyways I await for you to PM me with the test. Im sure it's a great mod :)
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Thanks Darius and AmpolX for your support. It means a lot to me. I worry I'm putting all this work into this for nothing. Even if one person really enjoys it than it'll all be worth it. :biggrin:
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;P looking forward to your mod ^^ - I have no idea if I'm on the right track here, but when playing with the same char for a long time, your save game builds up and renembers a lot of stuff it doesn't need. Maybe that's why the new game was faster.
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