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HELP with Construction set


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I've been messing around with this a little bit, but i still can't seem how to change and items body slot it uses.

i've been trying to change some things around so i can wear more items of clothing.


whenever i do change it and save the mod, it dosn't show up in game.


can any one help?

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Ofcourse it doesn't. When you attach a mesh to a slot it isn't fit for it doens't show. Most things, however,

will show when attached to the tail or amulet slot.

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As an additional tidbit of info, when you add a bucket to the head (and replace the hair+head), you are actually telling the CS to remove the player's head...and hopefully the object you are attaching was meant to be placed on the head...controlled in the 3D modeling program by XYZ coordinates.


When using the ring or amulet slots, no parts of the body are removed which is why it is commonly used to add items such as capes, masks and such.


Putting anything in the tail slot actually removes the tail from the player "if" the player is a khajiit or argonian.



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