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Can someone explain (simply, so the layman can understand) the differences between NMM and OMM? I see that the former has been downloaded 9.5 million times and the latter 1.5 million times, but I sometimes see people say "NMM is icky, use OMM." I see that most mods can use NMM but some apparently cannot. I myself wish to install only a modest number of mods--maybe 20 tops. Am I OK if I just use NMM (which appears to be simpler to use)? [i am not utterly a novice--I used four mods, including Francesco's, on my old computer (the one with the 128MB video card) and NMM+BOSS worked well; but now that I have a decent machine I'd like to do a bit more and I am bewildered by the many things available.] (Maybe there ought to be an "Installing Mods for Dummies" page.)


Just an example of what is bewildering: I wish to install Darnified UI. On the mod page there is a nice green button that says "Dowload with NMM", and the NMM page says that one click downloads and installs mods. But on the Darnified page it clearly says that the mod requires OMM to install.


PS - Please, kind responders, do not mention 'Wrye Bash' in your answers. I have looked at that and I wouldn't dare touch it with a ten-foot claymore. :laugh:

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Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) is the newcomer on the block (Oblivion and Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) have aged gracefully together for years now). Unfortunately when NMM was released the decision was made to turn on the "Download with Manager" for all mods, whether NMM would actually be able to successfully install a particular mod or not (they left it up to whoever was taking care of a mod to turn that option off). Many Oblivion mods haven't been updated in years, hence the abundance of Oblivion mods that specify "Install with OBMM" but still show a "Download with Manager" green button.


You can try installing Oblivion mods with NMM ... some will work and others won't. Your other option is to read the mod's install instructions and follow the mod author's advice (and yes I know many mod's install instruction leave much to be desired ... leave those for when you become an expert mod installer).


- Edit - As for differences, the most important one is NMM is totally incapable of reading OBMM install scripts ... if a mod has an OMOD Conversion folder you'll just find script erros reported by NMM. Some of those mods can be installed with NMM if you delete the OMOD Conversion folder, providing the install script doesn't walk you through various options available in the mod (NMM won't have a clue what to do with all the various optional folders).

Edited by Striker879
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