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Skyrim Machinima : ring of langmar : a minor discusion


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Greetings everyone,my name is Charlie...not my real name but yeah...i am a friend and sometimes assistant (in finding mods) for the Machinima director Gguy of G studios,Gguy is curently creating a new skyrim machinima series and has about 2 episodes filmed...he is quite talented at filming ,and beacuse he is also graphics designer,3d graphics desinger,animator ,his other skills help him create art ,intros and 3d intros for his machinimas. Sadly he ran into a problem recently...he is using the mouth sync from the Puppeter master mod,but the only way to stop the animation while filming is to stop recording,which cuts it off and in a huge conversation...this would look akward...filmed already two episodes and was about to release one today...but this just got to him,everything else is done professional and he doesn't want the mouth sync's quality to ruin the machinima quality,this stressed him out quite a bit.

So i decided to look for assistance from our modders...if any of you are good at mouth sync...and wish to join this quite big project,let me know or send a messege to his youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/Gguyrules ((the rules part was just a praise from his friends,when he got to this business the first time,after i huge sucess for a show he made for some audience irl and is not braging,his name is just Gguy))

he can easly do animations....and make scenes,effects,artwork,3d artwork or intros,but he just wants to perfect mouth sync...and doesn't have skills nor time for the creation kit,sure there is the puppeter,which he uses for anything else along with directors tools or he could play lucky and try to catch the right sync inside already ingame conversation,which is even more difficult and time consuming,so if any of you experienced moders want to help with his project, i assure you,you will be credited for your hard work.


thanks in advance



here are the intro for the series he made,the trailer and some artwork...keep in mind that the intro is in bad resolution and quality DUE TO A GLITCH and will be fixed in the actual series and any future videos





https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6OULk8WqlE (doesn't show as video for some reason)

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if any of you wonder, the castle in the trailer (That had resolution problems at that time,will be fixed in the series...or should i say...has been fixed already) is the castle created by Eltesco for his amazing questline...its just awsome,make sure you endorse his hard work,this footage would not be as good if it wasn't for his castle,you can download the questline and the castle here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25462/?


so if you want to play his mod and uncover the mysteries of Ravenburg Castle ,then download his mods and have fun,he did an amazing job with it

Edited by charliedfsf
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