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am i immortal?


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this is wierd...im not sure when it started...had to be recently. Before, my health was 396/396 mmmkay? so i loaded my char today to head out and hunt Necromancers..found some and realized i could sit there and let the 3 summoned zombies beat on me, and 3 necro's launch spells and poke me with daggers for a while..in the end i killed them all, checked my health and saw 585/396 :blink: i only got 1 item that adds 5 to my endurance...is there any way to stop your health from being like that? being more than what its supposed to be?


i know the fortify stuff adds health for a time but i got nothing like that...



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i only got 1 item that adds 5 to my endurance

As in a mod or else? Any other mods might be tampering with your health, but I've seen it with vanilla as well. Using player.ForceAv 396 in the console you could fix it for the moment, but it's not a definite solution.

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