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Retexturing question


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Well, if you try to just paint the armor/clothing, it will look very odd...especially if you put it on a different race. There is a special material called "skin" that re-colors the skin texture (like green tint for orc, yellow tent for high elf, etc.)


Your best bet would be to use a modeling program to adjust the armor/clothing. But in doing that, you will likely need to re-import the body because most people delete the parts of the skin that are not showing for performance reasons...so adjusting armor/clothing will probably reveal a gap in the skin object..so you'd have to delete the skin object and re-import the entire body...then you would need to delete parts of the skin that does not need to be there once your are done with your armor/clothing edits.


EDIT: Oops, thought this was in the Oblivion section. Although I don't know about the DA specifics, I wouldn't be surprised if it is almost identical.



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To make this edit works you need to edit the mesh else texture will override actual armor outfit not the body paint. It will look odd because texture will have same shape and curves like armor not like naked body.
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Yes, a 3D modeling program like Blender ($FREE$ and uploaded to TESNexus) or 3dsmax ($4,000)


NifSkope can help make some edits but it is mainly a copy/paste tool and used for making config changes. (but not in this case)



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DAO/DAA uses a specific file format for its meshes called .msh. Blender and 3dsMax will not open this format on their own. You will need to dl and install a plugin for compatibility.

http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=895 3dsmax

http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=268 blender


there's also several mods available where people have already undertaken this chore. check thru the armor/clothes section of dragonagenexus.com and the textures section also.

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Good luck with your mods Demonx:


I actually have done some work revealing more skin, initially with the method of painting the textures as you first thought, and then moving on to the more realistic look of combining a body mesh and armor mesh. You do have to combine the two meshes (whcih is a bit of a process) and not just edit the armor mesh, because otherwise there is no body to reveal!


Here's my initial mod painting the textures (you can look at some of the textures to see how it worked. Painting the 0n.dds file helps smooth the skin out from the armor shape a bit):




After spending a few weeks tearing most of my hair out learning how to use blender :) I was able to improve on the idea by editing the meshes instead of the textures here:




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