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Heavy duty radiation armor


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And here is the link. Well I hope I didin't screwed up anything. :confused:

Oh, and you don't have to make a new locker if you don't want. There is a locked safe near the chamber in a locked room, the one that you can open whit a terminal or whit lockpicking. That would be a fine place for this. Um, and the weight, I was a bit carried away, just make it a bit heavyer than the original T51-B. Other than that, ewerything is fine. :)

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Just out of curiosity, how much is it going to weight?

I ask because in reality that kind of equipment weights so damn much it's only fitted for walking (I guess that'd translate in getting automatically overcrumbered in the game).

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Am, I only tinkered whit the texture so I still don't know most of the details, but you don't have to fear, it's only a slightly heavyer (arround plus 10 pounds) than the regular T51-B, only because it's have a leaden coat to keep the user rad-free. But I guess, it's a little price to pay when you have 100% rad resistance. Aren't you agree ? :D
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Well, truth being said I wouldn't mind the weight that much. I mean, I find the idea of a heavy duty anti-rad gear interesting and the concept of the armor automatically overcrumbering you seems realistic and immersive. Weighty or not, I'm definitely downloading it.
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It's your retexture, so you may upload it to the nexus if you want to. Add my number to the editing access, 44385, if you need help managing the file.


I have added the weight thing, you'll be unable to run while wearing the armor. But you'll just be able to have it in your inventory without that penalty.

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