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How To Mod A Sword...?


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Would you please at least try to read the help files before begging for someone else to do it for you? Open the construction set, load the data file(s), go to the items tab, find your sword, then double click it. If you can't figure out how to edit the numbers that pop up, you're below my dog on the intelligence scale.


Honestly, even without reading the instructions, 5 minutes of looking at the construction set would be more than enough for you to figure it out yourself.

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Yep, it's a dumb question. Anyway, what you do is first you open the oblivion masterfile(sigh) and then you clik on items in the left window, then weapons nad at last you pick the weapon file you like. Change the id and choose to "create new" and in the new one you just dubbelclick and change what you want. The you open a cell in the right lower window and place it ther, play the game, go there and pick it up!
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