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Fo3 Mark two Official Thread


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The texture for the pistol is in the link i sent you, if you still want it...


I need some grunge brushes for photoshop, its quite hard getting eroded paint with the default brushes :whistling:

I hate my download limit.


Edit - In the new poll, i voted outcast, i just thought it'd be fun growing up with the BoS, with rows slowly building between (insert outcast commander name here) and elder lyons, growing into some brawls between the brothersm the to a firefight at the end, and a run for the hills. Your character possibly gets knocked unconsios and 'two weeks later', wakes up in a tent, or outcast base somewhere it the wastes.


Or alternativley, you vcould stay with the BoS, and become a fully pleged initiate, go trough the ranks and eventuallly join Lyons pride.


Yeah, I was thinking aloud there. :sweat:

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My team? I have forget_deny working on some concepts, and pob255 was supposed to help with modeling although he's yet to reply. I also have wejeisen commissioned for one model. Other than that, it's just me. I'm actually kind of frightened at all the progress I've made when I think of that.


As for a release date, the whole shebang is going to take more than a year, not counting updates--but the first true beta of some features is going to be in about 3 months, more or (Maybe a lot) less.


It's partially available for download now, if you don't mind thousands of missing meshes and bugs like rivet city missing.


Don't suppose you'd be willing to help? We pretty much need some of everything right now.


@Pob255, thanks for clarifying that. Did you get my message?

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As soon as I gain access to my CPU I shall be removing the FOOK2 requirements. I'm afraid that we shall not be able to compete with the continuous stream of updates--however, there SHALL ALWAYS be a compatibility patch.

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wow that's very few people for such an ambitious project. Amazing what you've done on your own [=


In a few weeks when rl calms down I'll have time to help, if you want/need. ATM I'm only really capable of very basic/grunt work, tho once I have time I plan on going through a bajillion tutorials :P

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Wait, I don't get it. You guys are planning to completely focus on the sandbox experience"? If I'm wrong, tell me please.


I'd have to disagree on that (not a hundred percent, but in some ways).


The question you have to keep in mind, is that you'll have to be doing something while "experiencing the new sandbox experience". It's not just you randomly wandering around, killing random monster's, eating, etc. There has to be something new for you to do, like quests (just an example).

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Nadin, since have you had anyone to fix the RC church bug yet?

If not, I may try.

You are still using the same modules right? Or have you made changes to them since I last downloaded them?


I could probably replicate the church, but with no guarentees that the wedding will work.


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