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Fo3 Mark two Official Thread


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Sorry again Nadin, for taking so long to get back to you.

I havnthad time modding, with college and the like. But I think I should be ableto focus more on modding now.

On the poll, I probably couldnt download it it it were mor than 2gb, at least untill july. If its released after july I'd sayget as much i as possible :sweat:


Also, for cross-game content... Could you possibly try to make it as subtle as possibe, so as not to break the immersion and lore of fallout. If you dont want to, its fine. Hey, its your mod :turned:

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A question--would anybody like it if we switched it around so that all the energy ammunition were just the same one, called "Energy cell"?

That is to say, you would use the same ammunition for laser rifles, laser pistol, gatling lasers, and so forth?


I dont think only 1 type would be very popular. But you could include an "energy converter" that changes ammo type from one to another, but not with perfect efficiency. Perhaps you could buy a low efficiency one at moira along with other house upgrades with a more advanced prototype hidden away somewhere (enclave base?) to make it a challenge to get.


I liked http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2946, thought it was well done if not very expansive


also I doubt I can be of direct modding help to you, school is shitty right now blah

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Eh, the only reason I would implement it was that I could never find enough ammo for the energy gun I had at the time. But, I've figured out how to add more ammo to leveled lists, so the problems fixed.
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...so you don't think that having to fight a enclave soldier with 95 DR just to get 75 MF cells is difficult enough?

It actually isn't realistic that raiders fire for 15 solid minutes and only have ten bullets on their corpse.

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You have to find a balance between realism, and fun gameplay. Having to much ammo, even if you did take a long time killing that soldier, would be unbalanced.




I'm not making any sense lol.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that the reward should be a little larger then the means, to keep things from getting to unbalanced.

Reward's are nice, but try to find another way. I find achievements are ussauly the best.




What's the specific things included in the update/the mod right now?

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Nadin, I wouldn't worry about balancing it that much. Choose what seems good to you now and focus on content. Once you have a working mod, then a dozen playtesters will give you more accurate feedback than people throwing out theorycraft on a forum.
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True. Also, the way I see it, if you just the weapons to the corresponding leveled lists, it balances itself.



I'm using perks to build a more adaptive gameplay system. For example, if more than 60% percent of all kills are done on a headshot, you lose a good deal of weapon spread, and do more accuracy with precision weapons.

Similarly, invisible perks are added to NPC's to make combat more difficult. And DR is no longer capped at 85, it's now 100. Enclave soldiers WILL often have this, meaning that you either have to whittle them down until their armor degrades OR use a weapon that ignores DR such as the Wattz 3000 Lazer Shotgun.

As for the updates, I haven't bothered with a changelog nor have I uploaded a new version recently, so this won't make much sense.


In the latest update, we(That is to say, I) removed the following due to serious bugs/data overload:


All of the radio mods


Removed due to being overpowered/cheesy:

Lazy pistol

Allied soldiers/loyal enclave


Updated typos, grammatical errors, Etc.:

Changed the titles for the "Guardian" notes.

Altered various typos in ammunition/weapons


Updates to weather:

Added a small chance of the OA clear skies

Increased the chance of wastelandClear

Decreased the chance of fallout

Slowed the cloud speed during rain/snow to a believable amount

Increased the cloud speed during fallout because it looks awesome


Updates to weapons/ammuniton:

Still increasing the tracers to be consistent

Relinked the BFG to the right ammo

Altered the crowbar to have a lambada inscribed on the bottom(Couldn't resist)

Removed duplicate weapons

Changed "Edison's firefly" to "Tesla's Firefly" because Edison was an evil plagiarizer.

Began the long, tedious process of updating the repair lists. Don't everybody all jump up at once...

Redeemer now uses unique redeemer missile again


Updates to consumables:

Removed duplicates


Updates to creatures:

Fixed a literally fatal typo: The Deathclaw bull no longer deals 1000 damage per hit

Fixed Deathclaw bull being frenzied

Added the neural helmet thingy to Deathclaw bulls owned by slavers

Changed the enclave Deathclaw to "Genetically engineered monster", I think it has a better ring to it.


Updates to NPC's:

Charon and Sydney should now have properly functioning dialogue

Fixed a navmesh error that was causing CTD's

Incorporated an advanced AI program, they are now much smarter(I hope)

Robots now drop hard drives and motherboards that can be sold or used to repair power armor


Updates to armor:

Am currently updating the EMP effect list to the new power armors


Updates to concepts:

Have now fully fleshed out the plasmids, including incinerate, enrage, electrobolt, and more

Have started fleshing out the greek letters for the new enclave factions

Begun working on the quest for the airship



Other miscellaneous things.

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By the ay, a quik update on the bug fix.


I've rebuilt it, put all the major clutter and NPC's in the church. Its nav-meshed aswell. Did you still want me to add in the buyable house or are you not that botherd about it anymore?


If not, its just minor clutter here and there, then its sorted. :thumbsup:

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