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Sniper Gear


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I have been a big fan of snipers. There are a couple sniper mods out there but frankly they are not that good. Can anyone make a working sniper weapon and/or a ghillie suit to go with it that has enchantments that raises sneak, marksman, etc by like 70 or 100? I know it is alot to ask for but there mod resources that are listed below that maybe someone can play with the textures and meshes to change it to a modern day silenced weapon. Also it has a damage of 0 which is why I also don't use that mod. I am sure A LOT of people would enjoy these mods. Thank You to anyone that tries or even bothers reading this.


Here is a list of some mods that might help.(be sure to give them credit though!!!)


springfield v1 -sniper rifle- "http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11487"


Sniper Crosshair "http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2213"


Real Sniper Sight "http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4044"


without quotes for all of them

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