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Oscuro's Obliovn Overhaul Invisinble armor


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Hi. I Just recent;y installed OOO, and love it. But that's beside the point. Whenever I walk around, I see some NPC's have invisable torsos, legs, and arms. I guessing it has to do something with all the new armor. NO there isn't purple blocks or exclamation marks in yellow diamonds, and I want to use these new armors. So if I could have a hand here, I can finally get around to playing it.


Edit: Fixed.

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  • 11 months later...

I have the same problem! Can you tell me how you fixed it??


This is caused by incompatible body mods for the armour/clothing. Depending on which body replacer you are using, there are OOO armour replacers if you search the Nexus files.

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