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I modified my INI and broke something


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I was messing with my INI a while ago. I thought I had backed it up, but stupidly I saved over my backed up one with the edited one, so now I either have to fix what I did or generate a new INI, which I really don't want to do, considering all the mods that modify it/rely on those modifications.


Anyway, so I'm crashing randomly. Sometimes with an "Oblivion has stopped responding" message, other times a straight crash to desktop. I believe it may have something to do with the blood, which is very bright, strangely, and looks very strange when it isn't glowing. Very sharp edges. Strange. http://tinypic.com/r/mwrz0y/5


Perhaps it has something to do with shaders 3.0, which I enabled. I don't believe it's a problem caused by any mods, as I said I modified my ini and broke something, the mods aren't the problem, but perhaps in conjunction with them, it causes this strange issue.


I imagine someone will be able to spot the problem here just by seeing the strange blood, so I though I'd ask.


I know that I changed the following:









I may have changed more, but I'm not sure.

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If you'd rather keep your customizations, you can simply compare your broken .INI file to Oblivion's default .INI file it would use to copy over to your "My Documents" if you did delete your .INI file.


And here is a handy-dandy text-comparison utility for just such a job: TextDiff


NOTE: The .INI file your game is loading is located under your "My Documents" folder. Typically:


C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Oblivion.ini


The one that comes with the game and is copied to your personal folder is located here (and should not be modified)


<< Install Path >>\Oblivion\Oblivion_default.ini



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I would prefer to just find out what is causing this specific problem, and fix it. Comparing it to the default INI wouldn't help me any, considering I already know what the default values are, and generating a new one would cause more problems than it would solve.


I know some things I edited, specifically the grid loading, causes crashes when changed. That's not my issue. My issue is the glowing blood, which is no doubt causing a crash that is still a mystery to me.

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I know this is going to sound like a dumb question but did you try to put the bAllow30Shaders value back to the way it was?


Mine is set to zero and the value doesn't even exist in the Oblivion_default.ini



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I know this is going to sound like a dumb question but did you try to put the bAllow30Shaders value back to the way it was?


Mine is set to zero and the value doesn't even exist in the Oblivion_default.ini



I did. I forget if it fixed anything, though. It was one of the first things I tried.


I'll try it again.


EDIT: No, that didn't fix it.

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I'd still recommend making a backup of your current INI file and use the TextDiff utility and keep making changes until you find what setting is causing (assuming this is actually an INI issue).


Have you installed any shader replacers? Check your shaders folder and see if any have newer dates than the release of the game. I have the original shaders uploaded on TESNexus if you find any that have been modified recently.



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