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homemade weapons mod


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Hello. I see a lot of weapons mods that add state of the art weapons to the game and that's fine but I'd like to see weapons that were more true to the environment of the game. This is a post apocalyptic wasteland so you would think that almost every weapon available would be homemade or cobbled together from parts of mismatched old worn out weapons.


For instance I doubt you would see many fully functional brand new rocket launchers. How about a rocket launcher made from spare parts like the steam gauge assembly tube and the trigger mechanism of a rifle? Not like the "rock it" launcher firing junk but one that is a true rocket launcher just hand built from reused parts of other weapons scavenged from the wasteland. The homemade weapons in game are a fine example but they are way too few. I can see a 150 year old hunting rifle being scavenged for it's stock and trigger mechanism and used with say a lawnmower blade for a homemade crossbow because the barrel had long ago become useless or for the lack of ammunition.


I would still like to see new weapons in the game as they are being produced by factions in the game world but if those weapons were to fall into the hands of wastelanders as they would over time; they would not have the technology to maintain them and would resort to cannibalizing them for parts or combining parts with older weapons to make a new unique weapon. Like a pistol on a rifle stock. Back in the early 1900's the mauser c96 "broomhandle" pistol was fitted with a rifle stock and was also rechambered to fire 9mm Parabellum and .45 ACP ammo instead of the 7.63mm original. So why not see a chinese .32 pistol mated with the barrel of the 9mm pistol or the smg fitted with a hunting rifle barrel and stock making for a very strange looking but still functional weapon.


Different clips would also be nice. In WW2 The german mg42 fired ammo from a belt or an optional 50 round drum magazine


I just think there should be a huge number of frankenstein weapons out there in the wasteland. This can be seen today in any 3rd world country since they seem to be in an endless loop of civil wars. The ak-47's they all carry are not original weapons with paint worn off them to make them look aged they are fully functional weapons but have been cobbled together from ak parts made from manufactures all over the world. You won't ever see a fully russian ak47 in africa. You'll see a russian ak stock with a chinese barrel, a czech firing mechanism and an iranian ammo clip.


If this sounds silly to someone think about being stuck in a post apocalyptic wasteland with 2 weapons and both of them are broke and you got raiders everywhere trying to kill you every day. I'm pretty sure you'd find a way to cobble the two weapons together to make something you could defend yourself with. It wouldn't be pretty and it would probly have performance issues but it would shoot or you would die.


If a mod like this already exists let me know. I've been looking but haven't seen anything like what I'm describing.


I would also like to see frankenstein armor combos. Wastelanders wouldn't have the technology or skill to maintain power armor but they most certainly wouldn't let it go to waste. They'd chop it up and add it to their existing armor for added protection.


Lastly thanks to all the modders out there for putting so much time and effort for free into making fallout a more unique fun experience and getting very little thanks but a whole lot of grief from complainers.


Thanks guys

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i c what you meen i used to serve in the military and most country 3 world countries that had gun were using undead gun i call them like one gun had a Ak body a m16 barrel with m16 clip. well i havn't seen many mod like that with combined gun but i have seen a junk weapon mod that has junk weapons that is similar to what you want i saw it in fook 1 but just try to look up junk weapons


some of the weapons

1. spear made of stick with knife tied to it

2. single shot gun loads like shotgun vary crappy



also i saw a mod that let you use a bonesaw

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Yeah That's what I mean. 200years after civilization you wouldn't see the vanilla weapons found in fallout unless you came across an old military supply depot that hadn't been looted centuries before.


I did find some interesting weapons: a pistol and rifle modified to shoot railway spikes, a shotgun modified to shoot 32 cal ammo for long range and a revolver rifle with the pistol revolver action mated to a rifle stock and barrel.


I found the last weapon to be extremely interesting because this weapon existed in real life, the "colt revolving rifle model 1855" and was an early percussion cap and ball design. Not sure if the modder put this weapon in his mod intentionally or if it was just a coincidence that he designed a weapon that really existed once but it's a perfect example of a hybrid weapon that you might find in the fallout world.


I believe All these weapons are great but they were all in different mods and came with things that were out of character for the game environment like nuclear pistols, mini guns that shoot nukes at 50 per second and even one rifle that shoots wild dogs for ammo! In order to get the weapons I like; I'd have to take the ones I don't along too. And then there's the problem of loading multiple mods. Every time you add a mod it exponentially increases your chances of problems with incompatibility issues or crashing issues or a dozen others.


I would be more than willing to scour all the mods and cherry pick specific weapons from mods if some modder would be interested in making a single mod out of them and of course assuming the original modders agreed to it.


I'd do it myself but like I tell everyone I have 0 modding skills and 0 artistic talent and that I'm barely able to spell mod without a dictionary let alone make one of my own :)


I don't think I could ever possibly learn either since I'm an old fart and all my computer skills were learned in the days of vacuum tube computers. When I see what you modders are able to do it looks like voodoo magic to me.

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Making a mod really isn't that hard esp if all you are going to do is copy and paste bits from other mods together.

The main issue is getting all together in a working format.


I do like the overall idea actually


There are some points of the wasteland/fallout world you have to consider, (in reference to the vanilla game only)

-World war 3 was happening, big full scale war, the whole of the US was gearing up for war, so yes the factories would have been producing hundreds of thousands of the exact same weapon for the army, so yes all the assault rifles in the dc wasteland should be the same as that was the one being used by te army and so was the one left behind after the radiation had disposed of the soldiers holding them.

-You currently repair weapons and armour by do just what you sugest, ie stripping down two if the same weapon to make one better one.

(it might be possible to somehow link the texture of the weapon to the repair level of the weapon, so it becomes more rusty and beaten up as it repair status drops)

-power armour is pretty rare, apart from the brotherhood and enclave who essentially make and maintain there own there are very few other power armour suits laying around.


However I do take your point there seems to be a lot of mods about that all the textures make the weapons&armour look pristine and immaculate.

But far fewer that really follow the spirit of fall out and keep stuff grimey and worn looking.


I'm surprised there doesn't seem to be mod junk made weapon mods about.


Give me you list of weapons and the mods they are in and I'll have a look at them and see how much work will be needed to combine them.


EDIT: I've just had a cool idea for a weapon, a small hand held flame thrower, using whiskey bottles for the magazine.

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Some ideas I had while playing FO 3 :

Weapons :

- makeshift flamer-like weapon whit turpentine as fuel

- cherry bomb granades boosted whit black powder and some flamable fluids

- a sword-like weapon from lawnmower blade and lead pipe

- radiation based weapons : you know there is an almost endless supply of nuclear waste,

why don't use it some way ?

- Weapons from the sentry bot's minigun and missle loucher, it would be heavy as hell, and worn, crappy

looking, but powerful.


Armors :

- protectron helmet : Lolwut ? Why not, it would be funny as hell.

- Mirelurk armor : "I'm the crab-man, the crab-man, I can go backwards faster than you 'cuz I'm the

crab-man" Anyways, it would be bulky, and smelly, why not ? hahaha


But yeah, these are not so brilliant, but for the "lulz" and for some more CRAFT, they would be good I think. Cheers ! :D

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-You currently repair weapons and armour by do just what you sugest, ie stripping down two if the same weapon to make one better one.

(it might be possible to somehow link the texture of the weapon to the repair level of the weapon, so it becomes more rusty and beaten up as it repair status drops)



Unfortunately i have attempted this and have found it not very simple. I was told that there is no possible way of dynamically swapping textures on items equipped on the player...meaning the texture would only be able to update after the weapon has been unequipped and reequipped (not holstered). It takes a deal of scripting as well as multiple textures for every weapon it would work for, But yea i thought that'd be a good idea as well.

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- radiation based weapons : you know there is an almost endless supply of nuclear waste,

why don't use it some way ?

yes I've thought about that too, the issue I can forse is how to carry the ammo about without growing an extra toe and runing your stealth ability because of the glow. :wink:


- Mirelurk armor : "I'm the crab-man, the crab-man, I can go backwards faster than you 'cuz I'm the

crab-man" Anyways, it would be bulky, and smelly, why not ? hahaha


But yeah, these are not so brilliant, but for the "lulz" and for some more CRAFT, they would be good I think. Cheers ! :D

Actually I really like that, it could be made a bit more useful by having it work like the ghoul mask, ie murlurkers are not hostile when you ware it.


edit: ps there are junk metal swords already http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3907

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