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homemade weapons mod


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Yeah I know about the junk weapons, but tell me one thing. When you have only a shabby screwdriver, a worn out wrench, and a crappy hammer, how in the world can you shrink down a steam gauge essembly, or a firehose nozzle ?

Have you never seen MacGyver or the A-team?

It does not matter what you use or how you stick it together you always end up with a weapon . . .

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How about adding energy weapons to that?


There are some videos on youtube that deal with taking laser diodes and using them to burn things with. If someone knew about electricity and could find some laser diodes still intact they could hook them up to build a weapon of sorts.


There's one video of how to get the blue laser diode out of a

. By itself, the laser can't do much but if you got ahold of enough of them and hooked them up right then you could make a sort of gatling-laser setup. For ammo, Fission Batteries look like they hold a good deal of energy in them, get some kind of setup with capacitors or rechargable energy cells and the Fission Battery could be used as the main power source of the gun.


Homemade Laser Gun-

Fission Battery (for power source)

Capacitor (for turning the slow battery power into a short zap that the gun can use on demand)

Sensor Unit (by prying open the sensor unit, get the laser diode out and hook it up to the device)

Paint Gun (Use as the trigger and handle for the laser diode)


The Fission Battery and such would probably be stored in a back-pack like arrangement with a cable leading to the paint gun/laser pistol.



Other ideas:


Potato gun- Basically a pipe with an ignition system inside to ignite gas and fire a large ammo. Would need some sort of gas to ignite and its ammo would probably be rocks covered in cloth or something. Basically a cheap version of the Rock-it Launcher.


Throwing Spear - A spear designed to be thrown, likely carved from wood or such.



Dagger Claws - A glove with knives attached to it so the user can 'punch' the knives in or use them along with unarmed combat moves.


Push Dagger - A knife refitted so that it is pushed into the enemy instead of sliced. Likely uses dull knife blades or sharpened railroad spikes as the blade.



Improvised Grenades - Grenades made using homemade explosives and whatever container they can come across. Likely uses nuka cola bottles or tin cans as the case for the bomb. Jagged rocks, nails, or even railroad spikes are added for shrapnel. I suspect that bombs or grenades like that could be easier to manufacture than bullets (even if it takes more explosives and you have to get up close).


Home made mines - Similar to the above but built into traps that explode when the enemy triggers them. Probably use trigger systems similar to the rigged shotguns but don't waste the gun (seriously, I'd rather keep the shotgun and use it myself than rig it up where someone could just avoid the trap and take it... or I'd sell it and just get a frag mine or something).


Caltrops or Bear Traps - reusable traps to set up around the place.

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I found some very interesting weapons but wasn't sure if they would work or not because they did insane damage. It's turning out to be very difficult to find a weapon that looks homemade and does realistic damage. I also see a lot of mods that have a text description that sounds great but no picture to go with it. And I don't want to install and uninstall all these mods and mess up my game in the process. Maybe I'll see if I can install fallout on my laptop and use it just for checking out these mods.


I really like the armor ideas too mirelurk armor seems a great idea as the carapace would be hard as a rock and you could have a pure mirelurk armor but I think the more practical use would be to cut out bits and pieces and attach them to existing raider type armor ie they have arms and legs similar to humans so I could see mirelurk leggings and greaves over the arms or a chest/back plate or even a shield made from the shell. This could be used for power armor as well though rare they would be found and since a raider would not have the skills to get the electronics working I can see a power armor helmet with the face cut out to make it usable with no power.


I found a few good weapon ideas one pure melee mod was "AllanX's spiral reamer weapon". looks real nasty and would be a great early game or secondary weapon.


Also saw some reall cool stuff in "classic fallout weapons beta" mod. the pipe rifle looked real promising as well as the 223 pistol and the needler pistol if it shot darts. Even the watts 2000 laser rifle has a very homemade look about it and I still like the idea of a rifle stock and lawnmower blade being bent into a crossbow firing railway spike or just bolts if they can be put in the game. Still trying to find that revolver rifle I saw before


The radiation based weapons would be good too but as said the growing an extra limb or two would be a problem. But a good example is in the the show firefly (I Loved that show). The reavers were a lot like the fallout raiders and they flew around in ships with no radiation shielding and became mutated as a result and were easy to spot because of all the radiation but they still managed to sneak up on small settlements and wreak havoc.


The handheld flamer is a good idea too and a good tactic to use against it would be to aim at the bottle to douse the user in flames. Whiskey bottles with flamer ammo or turpentine could be used as good old molotov cocktails. 3 or 4 raiders holed up in a room?... toss one in the window and see how fast they come running out screaming :thumbsup:


That's one thing I noticed about flame weapons. They should be one of the best short range weapons in the game but if you hit someone with a blast they ignore the flames and just come at you like nothing is wrong. They should instantly run around in a panic mode unable to attack you until the flame effect wears off and anything/anyone they touch should catch fire as well

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Ok i got some thoughts that would be rather simple

1. Brakeman is a sniper scope tied or welded down to a metal pole


a.1 sniper for scope

b. pipe or pole 1 for barrle

c. scrape metal 5 for welding

d.shot gun 1 for stock

e. sawn off shotgun for hinge

it fires one railway spike per reload

animation for reloading should be a sawnoff shot gun

ok if is is posible to make spec ammo for gun then it would be railshot

to build railshot

a. 2 shotgun shell or 1 shot and 1 sniper round for extra gun powerder to make that heavy of an object go far

b. 1 rail spike


another gun

2. spear

a. 1 pipe or pole

b. 1 railway spike

c. 2 scrapmetal

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Great idea and sounds like you could use the pipe rifle as a starting point for that.


I was all exited about trying out some weapons mods only to discover that many of them require FOSE and my digital game of the year edition from Direct2Drive will not work with FOSE because of the specific copy protection the digital version uses....real bummer.


I did manage to find a nice crossbow that fires darts though: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11454


A thought popped in my head (that's a first) this morning. What about a PIAT? it was a British antitank weapon from WW2 it was basically a tube with the end cut in half horizontally to place the grenade in and the rest of the tube housed a very large spring to fire the projectile and an RPG7 style trigger underneath. Looks very fallout like to me and if you wanted you could convert it to a large crossbow style. Could be used to fire railway spikes or standard grenades though how it would pull the pin is a problem. Hell it could even fire billiard balls if you want it too. Won't kill ya but imagine the headache :P


The billiard balls was just a joke but it could fire anything that could sit in the tube but we're looking for real weapons here not "just for fun" stuff but I think the PIAT has real possibilities especially if you add a little homemade/makeshift look to it.


Check it out here: http://www.militaryfactory.com/smallarms/imgs/piat.jpg

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