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Cannot access map or anything in Windhelm


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I can't press TAB for the little menu thingy, I can't unsheathe my weapon, I can't open doors, I can't interact with anything!


I've completed the Battle for Windhelm, Imperial side obviously, I also have Civil War Overhaul installed.


Since Civil War Overhaul bugs out on me for the final battle, I had to do some stuff manually, like teleport General Tullius and Legate Rikke to Ulfric and Galmar. Then I attacked them, and it went as normal, Tullius and Rikke go out for their speech, they do the speech with NO AUDIENCE, and then it goes to normal.


Then I go to Whiterun, go back to Windhelm, and I can't interact with anything. Anyone else having these problems with Civil War Overhaul? Because tbh I'm just about to restart my character without CWO.

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