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Broken Vampires


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I've looked everywhere, and it seems like plenty of people are having the same issue.
I originally played Skyrim on the Xbox 360.
Now, I play it through Steam.
On Steam, the vampires can give me a permanent Chill Touch effect. This is described on the wiki as a bug, and only removed through console commands or reloading a previous save.
This never happened on Xbox.

So, could someone smart with knowledge of different effects and such make a mod to either A. Remove that effect from the game or B. Make sure it ends, instead of lasting permanently?

Potions and Shrines don't help, by the way.
I know plenty of people are having this problem, but I haven't seen a mod for it yet... I'm sure, if anyone made it, they'd be hailed as a hero on the forums.


Someone who isn't very smart and doesn't have much knowledge of how the in-game effects and such work.

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All in all, I suppose it just seems irresponsible to leave a game broken like that, and while Bethsoft said they're moving on but making minor updates, when I asked about it, I only got referred to a blog post stating that. Am I underestimating how large of an issue within the coding it is? Or what? A fix for it would be great, though, no need to be more mortally terrified of a vampire fledgeling than I would be of a Revered Dragon...

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