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The Capitol Railroad Co.


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A mod that creates an overland railroad line connecting some of the more far flung Wasteland locations. Starting at the Dunwich Building, or the Warrington Trainyard and heading east till it hits the river (stopping at key locations along the way of course)and then turning Northwest, following the river up. It would make a large lazy 'S' back out to the West, and then turn East again at the top of the map, looping over and ending at Canterbury Commons.

There would be two trains constantly going back and forth. The associated story could be that 50 years ago, while researching old train info at a terminal in the Arlington Library, some train enthusiasts stumbled across the location of two 19th century, steam powered trains in an abandoned tunnel. They found them in relatively good condition, restored them and over the years pieced together the railroad line, and have been maintaining it ever since.

Im not talking about fast travel with a railroad story attached, I mean youd actually get into the old style train and ride in it, watching the landscape go by, just like you would in RL. Alot faster and more fun than walking, but not magically fast, like fast travel.


Crazy idea, or crazy like a fox?

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I guess its crazy :down:


Crazy? No. I like the idea. I just don't think that this game is capable of doing something quite along this order. Or if it is it would not do it for anyone save a full professional team on the order of Bethesda. That's just my naive view on it mind you.




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