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The Arcane University, A Dissapointement?


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I was kinda thinking it of a place with lots of people testing out spells and a huge building. I aslo thought that there were lots of like elders and wise people (Although there are just not elders). I wanted there to be a betetr ending, I guess the best part was with the mages guild trying to get in.


WooHoo! I started page 3!

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Yeah it wasnt much for me either. I wonder what the Wizard's Tower is like, the official mod. Which will be included in that new Oblivion mod bundle. But I already got all the free mods I'm happy with. Personally I prefer the mod Septim Mansion, it has all the resources of the acrane university.
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Answer to Trollhunter -


Yes, you need the official mod. I haven't bought it but the consensus view across a wide selection of relevant forums is that it is nothing more than a non-essential graphical ego-(insert suitable four letter word for self-excitement) on the part of Bethesda.


I second that, the only difference between you and me is this; I bought it and then felt dissapointed, not having it will probably make you feel like your left out of something, but don't believe it for one second.

The Acane University was, well...could have been improved if you ask me. I was expecting something really grandious when i first entered in it and around it but whats done is done and its better then nothing.

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