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Futurama mod


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Hey an idea came to me for Futurama related mods. The alien blaster looks like some of the guns in the show and I've always wanted a bender companion. In fact, the mod could just be bender and I'd be happy. Leela might be hard to pull off as an attractive NPC cause of her eye. Someone has already done Amy Wong. Zoidberg would be great too. You could take sound clips from the show like bender saying "bite my shiny metal ass!" or Zoidberg's noises. You could also have the professor there to give quests from the show so you could use his voice(always thought Dr. Lesko was Billy West's voice). So here's a list of what I would want in the mod:


- Locations like Planet Express, Bar, the sewers that the mutants live in, interior of the ship, and maybe some others.

- NPCs of Fry, Leela, Bender, Professor, Amy, Hermes, Zoidberg, Scruffy, Calculon(must have!), Wornstrum, Nibbler, Zap, Kif, Roberto(crazy robot with knife also must have), and maybe Morbo.

- Weaopons like the lightsaber batons, ray guns, broken beer bottle(for bender or hell just for fallout), Roberto's knife, um can't think of anymore rite now.

- Outfits for the player character of all the Futurama NPC's outfits, and some of the robots so your player character can look like them too.


If anyone out there has the ability to do this I'd be grateful. Let's get this going.

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  • 9 months later...

theres a Bender themed lazer rifle (think grenade launcher with lazer accuracy) in the Fort Freeway mod. You get it when taking down the raider up on the crane. not sure where to find the unique ammo for it in much supply, so im using the HiVE mod duplication table for that



Edited by nisen
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