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Face Textures for High-rez skin textures


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After adding the hi-res bodytextures to my Siren (I used the Mystic Elf textures and renamed those to lightfootfemale.dds etc I got annoyed by the body seam, so I downloaded the hi-res face textures. I installed those, but in the screenshots in the zip file I discovered a screenie that showed better male/female textures for the head. In the folder they were called RenHeadFF10.dds and RenHeadFF20.dds, additional to RenHeadF.dds (which I renamed to lighthead.dds). Does anyone know how to install these textures and make them work for my light siren? In the CS, there is no option in the races menu to add additional face textures to your race (except by replacing the old ones). because the RenHeadFF10.dds and RenHeadFF20.dds textures are black, I suppose I shouldn't replace my lighthead.dds file. Do those textures work just like the normal and glow maps and don't they have to be added in the CS, but only given the appropriate name? If yes, how should I call them to work on my siren? If no, is there another way to make them work?


For the ease, look to the difference in this picture: http://img156.imageshack.us/i/ssfacestandardforfemale.jpg/

How do you apply this to your character?

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RenHeadFF10, FF20, .... are age maps(it applies on the face when you adjust facegen age slider). If they are better ones, you can overwrite them. If you want to preserve original texture(in case of replacement texture goes wrong), rename new texture, then apply it to your race via CS(you can apply only one texture per race, so replacing facial texture is the only way):

- Open your custom race plugin.

- Open 'Race', then click 'Face Data' tab.

- Click on 'Head' texture button(left: meshes, right: textures, except 'Eyes'). You can choose facial texture there. Do not choose age maps or normal map('_n'.dds).

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