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Half empty or half full?


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Guess why I did this  :whistling:  before I wrote the line? 


Well I'm sorry about that!


Where do we stand now with the discussion?


Do people believe only the things that they see? Is a glass half filled with water and the other half with air so tricky or easy to solve as a problem? And is the answer to the question: "Is it half full or half empty", say more of the one who gives the answer to that question?





I believe yes!






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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, I guess I'll need to explain more.


0 is a neutral point. If it is half empty than its neutral point is full, and it is now exactly half less than full. That's where the -.5 comes from.


If it is half full then its neutral point is empty, and it is now exactly half more than neutral. Thus the +.5.


The perspective of the person is irrelevant, as in a world with perspective there is never absolute truth. There is certainly absolute truth in our world (my hand appears, to my eyes and brain, and through my knowledge of color, to be pasty white. It'll stay that way until it is changed.).

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  • If the glass is empty and you change that through putting half of a full glass into it it becomes half full.
  • If the glass is full and you change that through taking out half of a full glass from it it becomes half empty.

Your action changes its state and thus the wording you use should reflect the change.


If I'm happy and become more sad then I am feeling worse.

If I am sad and become happier then I am feeling better.


Edit: Ohh I see Maxwell the Fool made this point before me.

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